    内容摘要 最初选定课题——洋河敦煌酒包装设计,考虑到选题的局限性、在预答辩时结合老师的意见、最总确定——洋河酒包装设计与广告设计。在当前白酒市场政策等背景下,对洋河敦煌酒的品牌形象进行考察、调研、分析、总结、在最后得出适应其产品定位的包装设计、推广与广告设计等。 通过全面而深入的实地和访谈式的市场调查,我们发现消费者对于白酒消费需求因受政府政策影响而成倒 U 型,但目前市场上的白酒消费者认为中高端的白酒价格最易接受,低价位的白酒不愿意买。饮用白酒,一方面满足个人需求,另一方面、促进经济市场发展。白酒企业竞争变得异常激烈、众多品牌、价格混乱、包装眼花缭乱、行业标准是何都无从考究。也要结合消费者行为特征和消费心理,习惯接触的媒介等进行分析总结。竞争对手和敦煌酒的对比分析,制定SWOT,扬长避短式宣传推广。 考虑业务目的目标,我们为洋河系列酒重新定位,提出“洋河敦煌——源远流长”的核心品牌理念。我们仍沿用企业自身提出的“深度分销”的经营策略。在价格方面,相对提高价格定位,设计推广策略采取不同手段。 传播策略方面确立,结合包装升级再定位等、高喊出“洋河敦煌——惊艳上市”的传播主题,对品牌传播主题进行深入的挖掘前,需分阶段开展导入期传播活动。32335
    关键词:洋河敦煌酒;市场调查;传播策略;包装设计;传播主题Summary Theme originally selected - Dunhuang Yang wine packaging design, taking into account the limits topic, combined with the views of teachers in pre-defense, overall OK  -  Yanghe wine packaging design and advertising design. In the current wine market policy background, Yanghe wine brand Dunhuang study, research, analysis, summarize, in the conclusion to adjust their product positioning packaging design, promotion and advertising design. By type of comprehensive field and market research and in-depth interviews, we found that for liquor consumption,  consumer demand, due to the government's policy from the inverted U-shaped effect, but the price of high-end liquor wine most acceptable to the consumer market, I do not want to buy cheap liquor.  Drinking liquor, partly to meet inpidual needs, and on the other hand, to promote market economy. Liquor business competition has become fierce, many brands, price confusion, packaging dazzling, the industry standard is what I do not know. Analyze and summarize the characteristics of consumer behavior should be consumer psychology, media contacts and other habits combined. Dunhuang competitor comparison and wine analysis, develop SWOT, weakness style promotion. Consider the purpose of the operation objectives, we Yanghe series of liquor repositioning, namely, "Yang Dunhuang  -  historic" core brand concept. We still use their's "depth distribution" by the business strategy. In price, the relative increase price positioning, marketing strategy, designed to take a different aspect means. Development of communication strategy, combined with the upgrade package, and then locate, shouting,  -  before the "Dunhuang Yang stunning listed" theme communication, brand communication theme dig deeper, to be carried out in stages imports dissemination activities.
    Keywords: Dungun  wine; market research; communication strategies;  boohooing  design; propagation topic
    内容摘要 1
    前言 3
    第一部分    项目简介与毕业设计创作分析说明
    一、毕业设计选题简析 4
    (一) 客户简介 4
    (二)背景介绍 4
    (三)策划目标 4
    二、毕业设计思路简述 5
    三、毕业设计实际时间执行过程简述 5
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