


    Abstract:Eighty percent of the time a person for a day is spent in indoor, the possibility of building provides the most basic human life, and the design of the indoor environment, a direct impact on people's behavior. When we are in a space, can be comfortable and easy to finish the work, study and life at the same time, the space has the significance. Clearly, only when a person with time gives the concept of indoor space, so the space is full of life. So, need to pay more attention to the interior design the relationship between human and environment, only will people and the environment be in harmony are an organic whole, will create a better way of life. Today's hotel industry design, functional requirements and aesthetic orientation is the two big law of hotel design. Compared with the general living space, the complexity of the hotel room, it has a larger scale planning, more space, more small practical details, more humanistic care, it also provides the interior designers more play space, hotel design is the charm of interior design, so to speak.

    Key words: indoor environment, integrated, functional requirement, aesthetic orientation, humanistic care 

    1. 前言 3

    2. 背景介绍 3

    3. 特点分析 4

    3.1差异化 4

    3.2艺术化、个性化 4

    3.3品牌化 4

    4.设计的目的和意义 4

    5.方案概述(灵感来源、设计方法、具体内容) 4

    5.1灵感来源 4

    5.2设计方法 5

    5.2.1围合与切割主次空间 5

    5.2.2重叠与串联局部空间 5

    5.2.3有规律的细节设计 5

    5.3具体内容 6

    5.3.1空间的平面布置 6

    5.3.2空间的功能分区及设计手法 6

    5.3.3空间的表现方法 9

    6. 创新与不足 10

    结 论 11

    参考文献 12

    致 谢 13

    附 图 14

    1  前言


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