    摘要:    可穿戴设备作为一类随身电子产品,技术正在不断成熟,用户群体正在不断扩大。本次课题是可穿戴设备功能演示,通过以Flash为主的多媒体技术,使用者可以轻松地在电脑上,通过基础的鼠标键盘操作来体验和理解可穿戴设备的外观和各种功能。在用户界面设计、交互设计等理论和技术的指导下,课题着力呈现良好视觉效果的用户界面,为用户提供便捷、全面的交互设计体验。在设计中,为了保证Flash的流畅运行,有大量图片素材需要先渲染或收集。功能演示设计产品降低了消费者的学习成本和厂家的培训宣传成本,对此类新兴产品的推广也会颇有裨益。31608
    毕业论文关键词:    可穿戴设备;功能演示设计;交互设计;Flash
    Function Demonstration Design of Wearable Devices
    Abstract:     Wearable devices are portable electronic devices which can be worn by users, or integrated into the user's clothes or accessories. It is not only a kind of hardware and wearable devices, but also relies on software support and data, such as the cloud interactions to achieve powerful features. But as a new product, it is not easy for consumers to understand and experience. This topic is the Function Demonstration Design of Wearable Devices, through the multimedia technology, especially Flash, users can easily through the mouse and keyboard operation to experience and understand the appearance of the wearable equipment and a variety of functions of it on computers. Function demonstration design needs to pay attention to the appearance of beautiful interface, also should be easy to operate. Based on the theory of graphic design and user interface design, I was dedicated to create elegant user interfaces and a user-friendly interaction design. In the design, in order to ensure smooth running of the Flash, there is a lot of pictures material which need to be rendered out in 3dsMax at first. Function demonstration design products can reduce the learning cost of consumers and manufacturers’ training cost, which is helpful to this kind of new product.
    Keywords:    Wearable Device; Function Demonstration Design; Interactivity; Flash
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    课题介绍    1
    1.1.1    课题研究的目的与意义    1
    1.1.2    课题内容的调查    4
    1.2    课题调研情况    5
    1.2.1    调研方法    5
    1.2.2    调研内容    5
    1.3    开发工具的选用    5
    2    分析    9
    2.1    国内外研究现状与水平    9
    2.2    发展趋势    10
    2.2.1    可穿戴设备    10
    2.2.2    数字媒体技术    11
    2.3    功能演示中的要点和难点    11
    3    设计    13
    3.1    设计规划    13
    3.2    主题概念    14
    3.2.1    Apple Watch UI的研究    14
    3.2.2    功能演示的UI设计    16
    3.3    设计定位    16
    3.4    具体设计    17
    3.4.1    目录设计    17
    3.4.2    动画设计    23
    4    结论    26
    致谢    27
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