Detective story is very popular around the world as a sort of literature work. This paper intends to analyze the detective story from the angle of presupposition, to help the readers understand and to appreciate the article and show the meaning and function of presupposition in it. Edgar Allan Poe is the father of detective story. His Status in the world of creating detective story is absolutely significant. This paper chooses his classic short story- The Murders in the Rue Morgue as the material. This paper employs the research methodology which consists of qualitative and quantitative study. This paper first quotes the theory basis of presupposition, introduces the history, concept and characteristics of semantic and pragmatic presupposition in chapter two. Yule classifies presupposition into six kinds: existential, factive, non-factive, lexical, structural and counterfactual. In chapter three, this thesis adopts Yule’s classification of presupposition, lists these six kinds of presupposition’s applications in Edgar Allan Poe’s The Murders in the Rue Morgue and analyzes the statistics. This paper intends to analyze the detective story from the angle of presupposition, help the readers understand and appreciate the article and show the meaning and function of presupposition in it.