
    Abstract Huaiyang cuisine is one of the four major Chinese cuisines. However, without official translation, Huaiyang cuisine can not gain greater reputation. This paper discusses translation strategies of Huaiyang cuisine, which is based on Newmark’s communicative translation theory. The author believes that the translation of cuisines has three functions, which are information transmission, cultural exchanges and aesthetic value, thus communicative translation theory has a strong applicability and guiding significance to Huaiyang cuisine. By the analysis of the translation of Huaiyang cuisine in three principles, that are information transmission principle, aesthetic principle, and emotional transmission principle, this paper concludes that the translator’ strategy and the translation method applied in translating must be accorded with communicative intention and the realization of the main communicative function of the source text.

    Keywords: translation strategies; communicative translation theory;   Huaiyang cuisine; translation of Chinese cuisine59090


    毕业论文关键词: 翻译策略;交际翻译理论;淮扬菜;菜名翻译

    1. Introduction.….1

    2. Literature Review..…1

    2.1 Previous Studies on Communicative Translation Theory1

    2.2 Previous Studies on Huaiyang Cuisine…3

    3. Translation of Huaiyang Cuisine from the Perspective of           Communicative Translation Theory…4

    3.1 Information Transmission Principle.6

    3.2 Aesthetic Principle........7

    3.3 Emotional Transmission Principle...9

    4. Conclusion…..11

    Works Cited…...12

    1. Introduction 

      In the translation field, there are a variety of translation methods, translation strategies and translation theories, such as functional teleology of Royce, Vermeer and Nordisk, communicative translation and semantic translation theory of Newmark, form of correspondence and dynamic equivalence of Nida, explicit translation and implicit translation of House, etc. These theories or strategies have not only made great contribution to translation, but also a far-reaching influence on it. Choosing what kind of translation theory has a close relationship with the functional type of the source language. Menu has common characteristics with practical writing, “concise, accessible, clear, flexible and relatively fixed format”, etc. Because the name of the menu is different from general written language; its translation also requires smoothness on the basis of the original art. So great importance should be attached to the flexibility and persity of methods in the process of translation. Newmark’s communicative translation theory to the translation of Huaiyang cuisine has a strong applicability and guiding value. 

    2. Literature Review

    2.1 Previous Studies on Communicative Translation Theory

     The famous English Translation theorist Peter Newmark, Buhler and Jacobson put forward three functions of language. There are expressive function, sorts of function, and vocative function. In Approaches to Translation, the concepts of semantic Translation and communicative Translation is firstly proposed. Newmark points out that communicative translation attempts to make a reflection of the readers that the translation and the original language are similar as much as possible when they are reading, while semantic translation to the target language in semantic and syntactic structure allows, as accurately as possible, the context express the meaning of the original. 

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