
    2. Literature Review

    Language refers to the acquisition and utilization function of complex systems of communication. Second language or L2 is a language that is not the language speaker’s native language or mother language. Learning language or Learning Second language is, by no means, the same thing. Thus, for ESL (English as a second language) learners, feasible access must be utilized, if they want to promote their English language competence. 

    2.1 About Second Language Acquisition

    Second language acquisition theory, generally speaking, is brought forward with the basis of the procedure and pattern research of second language acquisition. Although the applicability of second language acquisition theory has its limitation, for many practical problems occurring in ESL classes can hardly be resolved using second language acquisition theory. Still it has its great influence on ESL teaching. Started from the 1970s, researches for second language acquisition have been carried on, through all sorts of means. In the latest thirty years, tremendous second language acquisition studies have emerged in an endless stream, resulting in the maturation of the research of second language. Not only Krashen but Swain also brought forward her language hypothesis which is known as language output hypothesis. Hence, through those different perspectives among second language acquisition scholars, the conclusion that second language acquisition is positively evolving could be easily drawn.

    2.2 About the Input Hypotheses

    2.2.1 The Acquisition-learning Hypothesis

    Acting as the core theory of modern language acquisition field, acquisition-learning hypothesis contains two independent accesses which people develop their language skills. Acquisition and learning, to some degree, constitute the most prominent basis of Krashen’s second language acquisition theories. Demonstrated by Krashen, acquisition of language tends to be intuitive or so-called subconscious, for inpiduals may not be aware. Language learners are even not aware of the process or the acquisition of new knowledge. Either adults or children are able to acquire language knowledge intuitively, through written or oral language context, according to Krashen.

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