
    II. Present Status of Rural English Teaching in Middle School

    However, due to the differences between urban and rural areas and limited conditions and other reasons, the rural English teaching still exists various problems, such as, high teaching quality needs to be further put forward, teaching conditions need to be further improved, teaching effect needs to be further strengthened. Rural English teaching in middle school is facing many difficulties and challenges when setting up course. For instance, without good English learning environment and there are not enough attentions in English education in rural junior middle schools, which have a low jumping-off point. As a result, the country’s English level commonly lowers than city’s.

    III. The Influence Factors

    As we all know that the English teaching quality of rural education is significant issue which associates with the fate of the most farmers’ off spring. In reality, because it is lacking of excellent teacher resources, advanced teaching equipment and favored teaching environment and outstanding teaching effect, the English teaching level in rural areas is generally lower than city’s . For example, English is so fresh that the students are unfamiliar with it and pay no attention to it. And many teachers always don’t regard English subject as a major subject, and they have no obligation to develop English. As a result, more and more students can not identify the whole twenty-six letters completely after graduation. Furthermore, the quality of rural English teaching in middle school is not satisfied and it becomes the bottleneck of the whole education level in countryside.
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