
    Antonio is a wealthy, easygoing and popular man. The most distinguished characters of Antonio is that he is very generous. He does not hesitate to offer money to Bassanio to court Portia although he himself does not have enough money because his money is all invested in the wrecked ship. Antonio's generosity is boundless, and he would rather to borrow money from Shylock and agrees if he cannot return the money back, he should give back a pound of his flesh as substitution, although he himself may suffer for it. Antonio is finally rewarded by his courage and goodness. However, he is very cruel to Shylock because Shylock is a Jew. He humiliates and mocks Shylock and even kicks Shylock with his feet. He shows no mercy to the disadvantaged people, the Jewish people. It also arouses readers’ sympathy towards Shylock.
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