摘 要图式理论认为,在阅读中读者的背景知识起着很重要的作用。从认知角度分析,图式理论分为三种形式:语言图式、内容图式和形式图式。它们都与阅读理解有很密切的联系,任何图示的改变都将会影响阅读结果。同时,三种模式又相互补充。在阅读中应用图式理论能帮助学生提高阅读能力,使其更好地完成理解。本文探讨了图式理论在中学英语阅读教学中的应用及其效果,从而提出新的中学英语阅读教学方法,以期达到提高阅读能力与水平的目的。19319
Schema theory holds the view that reader’s background knowledge plays a significant role in the process of reading teaching. In literacy, there are three types of schemata: linguistic schema, formal schema, and content schema, which are closely related to reading comprehension. Any change of the schema will influence the result of reading comprehension. Meanwhile, the shortage of one schema will be supplied by other schemata. The application of schema theory can help students improve their reading ability and make them complete the reading comprehension easily and correctly. This thesis aims to explore the implications and applications of schema theory and middle school English Reading in order to provide a new way to improve English Reading.
Key words: Schema Theory; background knowledge; middle school English Reading
Study on Application of Schema Theory in Junior Middle School Reading Teaching
Abstract ..ii
I. Introduction..1
II. The Definition and Development of Schema Theory..2
III. The Application of Schema Theory in English Reading.3
3.1 Linguistic Schema in English Reading3
3.2 Content Schema in English Reading................5
3.2.1 The Definition of Content Schema.5
3.2.2 The Important Part of Content Schema---Culture Background......8
3.3 Formal Schema in English Reading.11
IV. Implications for Reading Teaching..12
V. Conclusion.14
I. Introduction
We all know that every Chinese student has spent many years in learning English, but many of them find that they cannot understand the article well after reading. So the teachers are concerned with how to train and improve students’ ability on reading. Traditional way of reading teaching cannot give full play to students’ positive initiative in the reading course. In the traditional way of English reading, the teachers usually neglect the point that lacking of language knowledge, background knowledge and passage structure knowledge, which tends to prevent English learners from reading effectively, yet conversely they always focus on teaching single words, phrases or grammatical points. Schema Theory has an effect on reading. Bartlett proposed the schema theory which stresses the importance of background knowledge and schema for text comprehension. In other words, schema theory explains the role of background knowledge in language comprehension and explains how readers retrieve or construct meaning from their own pre-existing knowledge and past experience.
The relevant research has been paid much attention for a long time. It has been proved that teachers applying Schema Theory in English teaching is an effective way, in which the students can improve their reading ability. The application of schema theory can help students improve their reading ability and make them finish the reading comprehension easily and correctly. To develop students’ reading skills and make them become an expert at reading, it is necessary for teachers to help students build and activate schemata.
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