


    Title Text taking and recognition of the color image and video based on the characteristics


    This paper introduces the current research status of the text extraction , as well as the basic research methods, the main difficulties of research, etc., finally introduced a kind of color image text recognition and extraction method. This method firstly using canny operator for R, G, B component of color image for edge detection, respectively, and then merge, get the edge image; Then using 8 connected algorithm to get the edge of the line graph, and calculate the line parameters, according to certain rules to exclude some text lines; and then according to the features of each line for the merger of the corresponding line, form text area, in this process can also filter the part of lines which has too many relevant lines,and so get text regions; finally, do the text area binarization, polarity judgment and the corresponding background of filtering, having the black and white text.

    keywords:Edge detection, Line filter, Regional consolidation, binarization, Polarity judgment

    目    次

    1 绪  论 5

    1.1 文字提取的意义 6

    1.2 国内外研究现状 6

    1.3 本文的主要工作 8

    1.4 论文的组织安排 9

    2 当前文字提取的主要方法 9

    2.1 基于边缘 10

    2.2 基于纹理 10

    2.3 基于区域 11

    2.4 基于学习 11

    3文本的检测与定位 12

    3.1 一个文本提取系统的结构 12

    3.2 根据边缘线条进行文本检测 13

    3.2.1 边缘检测 13

    3.2.2  提取线条并进行过滤 15

    3.2.3  线条合并产生文字区域 16

    3.3 小结 19

    4 文本的分割与提取 20

    4.1 文本区域的二值化 20

    4.2 文本区域极性的判断 21

    4.3 文本区域的进一步过滤 21

    4.4 小结 22

    5 总结与展望 23

    5.1 本文工作总结 23

    5.2 未来的工作方向 24

    参 考 文 献 25


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