
    摘要无线局域网提供了使用无线多址信道的一种有效方法来支持计算机之间的通信,并为通信的移动化、个人化和多媒体的应用提供了潜在的手段。在IEEE 802.11无线局域网中,媒体访问控制层(MAC层)的首要任务就是定义节点之间的协调方式,控制节点对媒体的访问。本项目重点对IEEE 802.11MAC层进行分析研究,并仿真实现。66372

    我在首先介绍了无线局域网的发展历史与研究现状,然后详细阐述了主要协议标准IEEE 802.11 MAC层和物理层的关键技术。其次我重点学习和研究了IEEE802.11MAC层的CSMA/CA算法。接着介绍了无线网络仿真工具NS2并通过NS2对IEEE 802.11的时延、能量、吞吐率以及丢包率进行了仿真。最后对本文进行了总结,并对IEEE802.11提出了展望。

    毕业论文关键词  802.11  无线局域网  MAC层   吞吐率   时间延迟   能量


    Title          Simulation and Research              

                      On IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol           


    Wireless local networks (WLAN) provide an effective method in using wireless multiple access channels to support the communication between computers, and also provide a potential method for mobilization, persity and multimedia application. In WLAN based on IEEE 802.11, the major task of the media access control layer (MAC layer) is to define the coordination between nodes and control them to access the media. This project focuses on IEEE 802.11 MAC layer and its performance.

    Firstly, I introduced the development and research history of WLAN, and then in the second chapter, we study the key technologies of IEEE 802.11 including its MAC layer and physical layer. Then, I focus on CSMA/CA algorithm of IEEE 802.11 MAC layer. Thirdly, I introduced the simulation tool NS2 for wireless networks. Fourthly, I studied the performance of IEEE 802.11 by simulation, including throughput, delay and energy consumption and packet loss rate. Finally, I make some concluding remarks.

    Keywords  IEEE 802.11  WLAN  MAC layer   Throughput   Time Delay   Energy

    目  次

    绪论 1

    1 无线局域网 2

    1.1无限局域网简介 2

    1.2无线局域网的研究现状 3

    1.3无线局域网的网络构成 4

    1.4无线局域网系列协议 6

    2 IEEE 802.11 协议 10

    2.1 IEEE802.11协议概述 10

    2.2 802.11物理层 10

    2.3 802.11的MAC层 14

    3 IEEE 802.11载波监听多路访问冲突避免算法 18

    3.1 CSMA/CA技术 18

    3.2 RTS/CTS方式工作原理 20

    4 无线网络仿真软件NS2 23

    4.1仿真软件NS2的简介 23

    4.2 NS2原理概述 23

    5 NS仿真验证与网络分析 27

    5.1仿真参数设置 27

    5.2吞吐量性能仿真 28


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