






    The active/passive millimeter wave detection system is a compound system of active mode and passive mode. The millimeter wave detector is working on active mode to search the target and track it while range fingding. We use the mode of FPGA combined with DSP to process signals, the main function of FPGA is detecting the distance of the target and generating saw-tooth wave , DSP is used to locking the center of the targets.

    The millimeter wave detector is working on active mode to search, recognize and track the target when the target is far away. The detector converts to passive mode when the distance of the target is equal to the setting value

     this paper describes the working theory of Radar detector. We use the XC3S50 chip to generate a saw-tooth wave with a changing frequency and calculate the target’s distance according to the principle of fixing the different frequency in the active mode. It talks about the principle of selecting the parameter such as modulation period and modulation deviation of the system.

    As the experiment data shown, the mode of FPGA combined with DSP can meet the requirement of high real-time, miniaturization and high speed signal process.

    Key Word: millimeter wave, fixing IF detecting, active/passive compound detecting,FPGA, DSP

    目   录

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题研究背景 1

    1.2  毫米波探测系统的研究现状 4

    1.3  论文的主要工作 6

    2  调频测距近感系统 7

    2.1  调频雷达原理 7

        2.2  锯齿波调频雷达测距原理 ..8

    2.3  调频测距近感系统参数选择 9

        2.4  本章小结.10

    3  恒定差频测距系统原理 11

    4  恒定差频测距系统的软件实现 13

    4.1  FPGA与DSP概述 13

    4.2  DDS简述 14

    4.3  基于XC3S50芯片的主动模块设计 15

    4.4  XC3S50芯片产生调制信号的原理 17

    4.5  目标测距算法 21

    5  结  论 28

    致  谢 29

    参 考 文 献 30

    1  绪论

    1.1  课题背景

    1.1.1  选题目的与意义

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