

    毕业论文关键词  Ad-hoc路由协议;DSR;DSDV;AODV;网络仿真;性能分析 


    Title    Research on Simulation of Ad-hoc Network Routing Protocols                                               


    Ad-Hoc network is known for characters of multi-hop,and mobile nodes.In addition to sending and receiving packets, nodes in this network also function as a router to transmit packers. For this reason, there exist distinct differences between its routing protocols and the traditional.The network and three of its routing protocols are briefly introduced in this paper. Through NS2 simulation platform ,which is based on the ubuntu 13.10 under linux, and the tools such as Gawk platform, Setdest, Cbrgen etc, three of the common routing protocols,DSR, AODV,and DSDV,are simulated separately. The end-to-end delay,throughput,and packet loss rate, are recorded in scenes with different speed and number of nodes .The comparison curves are plotted based on the simulation data, and the evaluation of three protocols are presented by comparing the results. 

    Keyword  Ad-hoc routing protocol;DSR;DSDV;AODV; network simulation;    simulation;performance analysis




    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题目的和意义 1

    1.2  国内外发展状况 1

    1.3  研究内容和方法 2

    1.3.1  性能指标 2

    1.3.2  仿真路由协议介绍 3

    1.3.3  研究方法 4

    2  NS2(Network Simulator version 2)及相关工具的简要介绍 4

    2.1  NS2简要介绍 4

    2.3  Awk简介 7

    3  仿真过程 8

    3.1 仿真准备 8

    3.11  Ubuntu13.10和NS2的安装 8

    3.1.2  仿真参数 9

    3.2  仿真 10

    3.2.1  setdest 和cbrgen工具的使用 10

    3.2.2  Otcl脚本编写 11

    3.2.3生成trace和 nam 11

    3.3 trace和nam的分析 12

    3.31 trace结构分析 12

    3.3.2 awk脚本编写和使用 12

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