

    毕业论文关键词  瞄准吊舱  传递对准  通讯软件  Vxworks  多任务


    Title  A design of communication software used in the transfer     alignment of embedded military targeting pods

    Abstract In this paper, multi-tasking design and communication software development are researched based on the real-time operating system VxWorks. The basic principle of SINS transfer alignment is briefly introduced.According to real-time requirements of its underlying communication tasks, multi-task scheduling mechanism of VxWorks and the RS422 serial communication technology,the communications software of transfer alignment is designed.The reception of datas of master INS,slave INS and GPS is finished.The sending of navigation data after data fusion is finished.Through the use of semi-physical simulation,results verify the feasibility of the communication software.The communication software can send and receive datas of master INS,slave INS and GPS needed by transfer alignment stablely and efficiently.The design of communication software lays the foundation of realization and application of transfer alignment.

    Keywords  argeting pod, transfer alignment, communications software, Vxworks, multitask

    目   次  

    1  引言 1

    1.1  课题背景及研究意义 1

    1.2  国内外研究现状 1

    1.3  研究内容和主要工作 5

    2  传递对准通讯软件设计方案 7

    2.1  传递对准基本原理 7

    2.2  传递对准系统总体通讯结构 7

    2.3  系统软硬件分析 8

    2.4  本章小结 11

    3  系统通讯软件串口驱动设计 12

    3.1  串口通信基本原理 12

    3.2  VxWorks串行设备驱动原理 12

    3.3  RS422串行接口驱动 14

    3.4  通讯软件3路RS422驱动设计 15

    3.5  本章小结 15

    4  通讯软件多任务设计 16

    4.1  VxWorks操作系统多任务设计研究 16

    4.2  通讯软件多任务划分 20

    4.3  通讯软件多任务调度 21

    4.4  通讯软件多任务的实现 23

    4.5  本章小结 34

    5  通讯软件的仿真与调试 36

    5.1  半物理仿真实验设计

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