
    摘 要:科技进步促使网络技术不断发展,一方面丰富了我们的网络生活,但是另一方面网络协议的增多给协议识别技术带来了一定的困难,原先的三种网络协议识别技术:基于端口的协议识别技术、基于测度的网络协议识别技术和基于负载的网络协议识别技术,但是这三种协议识别技术都有各自的缺陷,不断的受到复杂网络环境的挑战,直接影响到了很多基于协议识别技术的应用,例如,协议分类和网络入侵检测等等。65138



    毕业论文关键词:嵌入式系统  协议识别  SPID算法  网卡驱动

    Abstract:With the continuous development of computer networks, network protocols emerge in endlessly. Network environment has become increasingly complex, the original three technology of network protocol identification (port-based protocol identification technology, measurement-based of protocol identification technology, load-based of the network protocol identification technology) constantly challenged by complex network environment, because all these technology have shortcomings. Thease shortcomings directly impact on a lot of applications based on protocol identification technology. For example, the protocol classification and network intrusion detection, and so on.

    For insufficient computing capacity but efficient I/O processing of embedded system characteristics, this paper designed a embedded online protocol identification system. The system realizes online real-time protocol identification and easy to extend and maintain. Embedded online protocol identification system designed in this paper mainly refer to the characteristics of embedded online protocol identification, and improved the original SPID algorithm, and finally ported to embedded systems. 


    Keywords: embedded system, protocol identification, SPID algorithm, NIC driver


    1 绪论 4

    1.1 课题背景 4

    1.2研究现状 5

    1.3 课题研究内容 7

    1.4 本文的组织结构 8

    2 协议识别与嵌入式相关技术 9

    2.1 嵌入式vxworks系统概述及网卡硬件特性 9

    2.2 网络协议栈相关知识 12

    2.3 SPID算法研究 15

    2.4 本章小结 19

    3 SPID协议模型匹配算法的优化 19

    3.1模型匹配算法优化的意义 19

    3.2 模型匹配算法优化的过程 20

    3.3 优化后的SPID算法评价 26

    3.4 本章小结 29

    4 系统测试及结果分析 29

    4.1 协议识别系统测试和分析 29

    4.2 各种条件对协议识别的影响 35

    4.3 本章小结 38

    结 论 40


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