


    毕业论文关键词  管道机器人    控制系统   L298   单片机STM32F103C8T6


    Title  Pipeline inspection for oil exploration pipeline crawler Control Technology


    Pipe inspection robot, is currently abroad detect oil and natural gas pipelines used in the main test tool. A complete robot should have moving carrier pipe, pipe internal environment detection system, signal transmission system, power transmission and control systems. This paper briefly describes the exploration for oil duct pipe robot research and development.

    The first chapter introduces the pipeline robot appeared historical background, technical aspects as well as domestic and international research pipeline robot future development prospects. The second chapter describes the project pipeline crawler detect hardware design. Introduced the infrared receiver, microcontroller STM32, Motor Driver IC L298 and encoder principle. The third chapter introduces crawling pipeline detection part of the software control system design. Description of the PID control algorithm, respectively, infrared codec and two-phase four-wire stepper motor drive principle knowledge. Chapter IV shows the PCB layout design and welding debugging. Finally the paper describes the conclusions of this paper summarizes the entire project process, covering the success of this project as well as inadequacies.

    Keywords   Pipeline robot   Control Systems   L298  SCM STM32F103C8T6


    1  绪论 1

    1.1  国内外管道机器人的研究现状 1

    1.2  本课题研究背景及意义 2

    1.3  本文的主要工作 3

    2  管道探测爬行器的硬件设计 4

    2.1 管道探测爬行器的总体结构及硬件控制系统构成 4

    2.2  红外接收头技术定义及原理 6

    2.3  单片机STM32F103C8T6 8

    2.4  电机驱动芯片L298 10

    2.5  编码器 12

    3  管道探测爬行器的软件设计 14

    3.1  管道探测爬行器软件控制系统流程 14

    3.2  PID控制算法 15

    3.3  红外编码解码 19

    3.4  二相四线步进电机驱动 21

    4  PCB板布线设计与焊接调试

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