
    摘要:随着智能硬件和物联网这些科技概念的普及,越来越多的智能化设备进入了我们的生活。而智能硬件的制作离不开嵌入式微处理器,这使得嵌入式微处理器的使用日渐增多,成为了当下硬件工程师必须学习掌握的一个工具。音乐已经是我们日常生活中不可分割的一部分,我们追求高清晰、高保真的音乐效果,HiFi逐渐走入人们的生活。可是在带宽、存储空间不足或节约手机数据流量时,采用传统的压缩率较高的,音质与原始音频比较没有过于下降的MP3格式仍不失为一种很好的解决方式。本设计立足于生活,紧跟当下智能硬件潮流,实现了一个基于STM32的MP3播放器,可以播放存储在嵌入式微处理器内部flash或外部SD卡中的音乐,并可以进行曲目切换及音量控制。本设计利用一款ARM-Cortex M3内核的微控制单元STM32F103VET6作为主控芯片,协同电源模块、VS1003模块等共同完成硬件系统的构建,将存储在芯片flash或外部SD卡中的MP3格式的音乐播放出来,同时,可以通过按键进行播放/暂停、上一曲、下一曲、音量增加、音量键小等操作。本系统还通过编写下位机GUI,将播放的曲目、作者信息等显示在屏幕上。本文将详细的从原理、硬件、软件三个方面介绍本设计。48214

    毕业论文关键词: MP3;STM32;VS1003;GUI

    STM32-based MP3 Player Design

    Abstract:With the popularity of intelligent hardware and networking, more and more intelligent devices came into our lives. The intelligent hardware production is inseparable from the embedded microprocessor, which makes the increasing number of embedded microprocessors being used. And the embedded microprocessors is a tool for the current hardware engineers to master.Music is already an integral part of our daily life. We seek the high-definition, high-fidelity sound effects. HiFi gradually come into people's lives. But in terms of narrow bandwidth, small storage space or save phone data flow, as a conventional and high-compression-ratio fomat ,MP3 is still regarded as a good solution . And the sound quality has not overly declined.This design is based on life, keeping up with the current trend of intelligent hardware. This design implements a STM32-based MP3 player which can play music in the microprocessor’s flash or in the external SD card, and it can change songs and volume. This design uses an ARM-Cortex M3 core micro control unit STM32F103VET6 as the main chip, collaborate power modules, VS1003 module together to build hardware system. This system play the MP3 format music in the internal flash or in the external SD card, and it can change songs, play or pause the song and do Volume addition and subtraction through the external key buttons. This system uses the program of GUI to display the song’s name and the author information on the screen.This article will introduce this description detailed from the principle, hardware and software.

    Keywords: MP3,STM32,VS1003,GUI


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景与意义 1

    1.2  论文组织结构 2

    第二章 系统描述 4

    2.1  功能描述 4

    2.2  系统架构 4

    2.3  本章小结 5

    第三章 硬件设计 6

    3.1  硬件概述 6

    3.2  MCU的选择 6

    3.3  电源方案选择 6

    3.4  基础外设模块 8

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