

    毕业论文关键词   图像配准  傅立叶变换   变换域   相位相关法


    Title    Dual-spectral image  registration techniques          


    Image registration is an image processing application of a fundamental question for the different sensors,different perspectives,different times or for different shooting conditions,the same scene two or more images for the alignment,superimposed,in many areas has wide range of applications.This article is for the visible and infrared image registration technology research,common registration method is pided 

    into two categories:region-based registration method,feature-based registration method.Which transform domain-based image registration method is an important class of method,such as Fourier transform domain,wavelet transform domain and Walsh transform domain.Phase correlation method used in this paper is based on the Fourier power spectrum in the frequency domain correlation technique,the first image

    processing,and then find the Fourier transform offsets to implement effective registration,the method to solve the translational relationship exists only registration problem between images,has serious limitation.

    Keywords       Image Registration        Fourier Transform    

               Transform domain          Phase correlation method



                            目   次  

    1  绪论 2

    1.1  课题背景 2

    1.2  图像配准的意义 2

    1.3  图像配准的应用 3

    2  图像配准基本理论 4

    2.1  图像配准原理 4

    2.2  图像配准的基本框架 4

    2.3  配准方法分类 6

    2.4  常用的图像配准技术 8

    2.5  配准的过程 8

    3  双谱图像配准的理论基础 9

    3.1  可见光与红外图像特征 9

    3.2  图像配准的方法分类 11

    4  基于变换域的图像配准方法及MATLAB的仿真 21

    4.1  傅立叶变换介绍

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