



    毕业论文关键词  毫米波 固态功放 预失真 三阶互调 线性化


    Title Studies on Linearization for Millimeter Wave Solid State Power Amplifier                                    


    Today social studies, the frequency resources are increasingly strained, millimeter wave band because they have many advantages, more and more attention. Millimeter millimeter wave systems in the transmitter power amplifier is the core of the device, when the input signal power increases to a certain extent, the amplifier will produce nonlinear distortion. The rapid development of the communications industry requires a system with high linearity, power amplifier linearization techniques therefore become the focus of recent research and trends.

    Millimeter wave has become the new field which is studied for it has many advantangies compared to other waves . This paper mainly studies the linearization techniques of power amplifier in the millimeter wave band.

    This paper research the development of millimeter-wave solid state power amplifier and its future trends, and study the techniques for linearization mainly based the system for linearity requirements of millimeter-wave solid state power amplifier.What’s more,I summarize several linearization techniques and their applications.

    Keywords millimeter wave(MMW) solid state power amplifier  predistortion  the third order intermodulation  linearization

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 本课题研究的背景和意义 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状 2

    1.3 论文的主要内容和组织 4

    2 功率放大器概述 5

    2.1  功率放大器组成及分类 5

    2.1.1 功率放大器结构 5

    2.2.2 功率放大器分类及特点 5

    2.2.3 各类功率放大器比较 9

    2.2  毫米波固态功放 10

    2.3  小结 11

    3 功率放大器的非线性特性分析 12

    3.1 功率放大器的失真特性 12

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