


    毕业论文关键词  :毫米波  辐射计  去噪  形态学


    Title    The Denoising Method of Millimeter Wave Radiation   Image Based on Morphology                                                 


    Owing to practical application value and extensive potential application , the millimeter wave radiometric imaging technology is widely used in remote sensing, guidance, industry, medical science, public security, environmental monitoring and etc. The research for Millimeter wave radiometric imaging technology provides a theoretical basis for the detection and recognition of target at millimeter wavelengths.

    The graduation project used the passive millimeter wave imaging system composed of a 3mm band total power radiometer for imaging experiments, then we can get the millimeter wave radiometric image and process the image of the concealed metal target hidden in the body.

    In order to process the image, the basic theory of morphology algorithm is introduced, so as the applications in image denoising, enhancement and boundary extraction. In this paper, we propose a combination morphological filter to smooth and filter the image. Image denoise has important practical effect, the basic theory of morphology algorithm is introduced, so as the applications in image denoising, enhancement in next chapter.

    Keywords :  millimeter wave    radiometer     denoise     morphology

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  引言 1

    1.2  被动毫米波成像 1

    1.3  全文设计目标及编排 4

    2  被动毫米波成像 5

    2.1  被动毫米波成像技术基本原理 5

    2.2  被动毫米波辐射计 13

    2.3  被动毫米波成像系统 16

    3  图像增强方法简介 19

    3.1  空域变换增强 20

    3.2  空域滤波增强 21

    3.3  频域滤波增强 22

    3.4  小波去噪增强 22

    4  形态学滤波基础 23

    4.1  数学形态学简介 23

    4.2  二值形态学基础 24

    4.3  灰度图像的形态学处理 26

    4.4  复合形态学滤波 28

    4.5  形态学滤波结果

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