


    Abstract:Because its characteristics of low cost, low power, simple,ZigBee was widely used in daily life and industry. In this paper, according to the social problems frequently stolen vehicle, designed a kind of remote control anti-theft system based on ZigBee technology. The system based on radio frequency chip CC2430 as the main control unit, to realize the wireless remote control,intelligent alarm and other functions, and in the IAR development environment,the realization of the network and communication function, and finally to the system safety analysis, finally summarizes the ZigBee technology to realize fully electric vehicle remote control anti-theft system requirements. This design has the advantages of simple structure, with the need to expand the functions,portability strong.

    Keyword:ZigBee,CC2430,Remote control anti-theft,Safety


    1  绪论 1

    1.1  ZigBee的背景与展望 1

    1.2  ZigBee技术在电动车遥控防盗系统设计中的意义 1

    1.3  本论文的主要内容和结构 2

    2  ZigBee技术的概述 2

    2.1  ZigBee技术的特点 3

    2.2  ZigBee与其他无线通信技术的比较 3

    2.3  ZigBee通信协议标准 4

    2.3.1  IEEE 802.15.4标准 5

    2.3.2  物理层(PHY)规范 5

    2.3.3  媒体介质访问层(MAC)规范 5

    2.3.4  网络层(NWK)规范 7

    2.3.5  应用层 (APL)规范 7

    3  电动车遥控防盗系统的硬件电路设计 8

    3.1  CC2430的简介 8

    3.2  遥控器电路的硬件设计 10

    3.2.1  CC2430的I/O功能 11

    3.2.2  CC2430的ADC功能 11

    3.3  电动车主控电路的设计 12

    3.3.1  开关电路部分 12

    3.3.2  报警电路的设计 13

    4  电动车遥控防盗系统的软件设计 15

    4.1  网络设备的介绍 15

    4.1.1  网络编号(PAN ID) 15

    4.1.2  网络地址分配 15

    4.2  遥控防盗系统的各网络流程 15

    4.2.1  实验仿真与调试 18

    5  总结与展望 19

    结论 21


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