


    毕业论文关键词  语音识别  单片机  智能控制

    Title    Development of intelligence control system based on speech recognition                                     

    Abstract The mostly used  communication tool of human is the language, which is the most natural and reliable means for communications, using voice to realize the man-machine communications, or wireless transmission captured by a microphone signal into an electric signalin the scale of thousands miles away. This is so-called speech recognition.Voice recognition is a convenient mean to achieve human-computer interaction in the official business, telecommunications, manufacturing and other related fields, which can improve office efficiency , reduce labor costs, and thus has a wide range of applications, and the needs of the market. The application of speech recognition system will be more extensive. With the development of large-scale integrated circuit technology, the use of single-voice chip voice recognition and functions because of its economic, efficient value and so on, has become thepredominant applications and had been  used in this project design .

    In this paper, starting from the embedded micro-processor  LD3320 of the ICRoute campany of speech recognition chip and control circuit, in order to design a wireless remote control system based on speech recognition, wireless module nRF24L01. LD3320 chip integrated voice recognition processor and an external circuit, including AD and DA converters, microphone. Sound output interface, no external auxiliary chip. Flash, ram. Integrated in existing speech recognition, human-computer dialogue, identify key words can be realized according to our needs any editing, so to meet the needs of small size, power consumption, and general. This system has a good prospect of application. 

    Keywords Speech recognition;  Single-chip microcomputer;  Intelligence control system


    1  引言 2

    1.1  语音识别的介绍及意义 2

    1.2  语音识别的历史,现状和未来的发展方向 2

    1.3  毕业论文文的主要工作 5

    2  涉及技术介绍

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