

    毕业论文关键字  干涉仪  变焦镜头  无线遥控


    Title    Study on the wireless remote control of      Interferometer vibration system                                                 

    Abstract Interferometer is a Optical instrument which using the theory of interference to measure optical path difference, so as to determine the related physical quantities.It has been widely used in various fields of national defense industry, scientific research and production in the national economy.Installing the zoom lens in the interference field, can enlarge or shrink the interference field, so it can make us obverse the interference fringes more clearly.Due to the advantages of high sensitivity and high precision of Interferometer, it vulnerable to the influence of environment.If using the wireless remote control technology to control the zoom lens,can reduce the error caused by the artificial control of zoom lens.The seagull 70-210 mm F4-5.6 zoom lens used in the Fizeau interferometer are analyzed on this basis.A wireless remote control technology and a digital wireless communication technology are introduced. The wireless signal transmission theory is discussed.And the design of the wireless remote control system based on PT2262/2272 chip.

    Keyword     Interferometer     Zoom lens        Wireless remote control 

    1 引言 1

    1.1 课题背景 1

    1.2 本文研究工作 2

    2 无线遥控技术 3

    2.1 无线遥控技术的发展与现状 3

    2.2 数字无线通信技术概述 4

    2.3 信号无线传输理论 4

    2.4 无线电传输 6

    3 变焦镜头 9

    3.1 变焦镜头的工作原理 9

    3.2 变焦镜头在实际干涉仪中的应用 11

    4 无线遥控电路设计 14

    4.1 无线遥控系统的设计 14

    4.2 信号的编解码 14

    4.3 无线发射电路系统 19

    4.4 无线接收电路系统 21

    4.5 电机驱动电路 23

    结论 25

    致谢 26

    参考文献 27

     1 引言


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