


    毕业论文关键词  多光谱  非稳定环境  前端对准  物理分离


    Title  Research on Spatial alignment control of preceding optical  probe in Multispectral Temperature Measurement System


    Multi-spectral thermometry can be used in the high precision and fast response of high temperature measurement in the unsteady environment. It is widely used in the fields of aerospace, national defense and so on. However, the unstable factors in the field will seriously interfere with the precision test part of the system. At the same time, sampling needs to adjust the system attitude precisely to aim at the target. In this paper, a set of front-end alignment system is designed to solve these problems.    

    Using optical fiber transmission to connect the sampling mechanism with core temperature measurement module to achieve the separation of the two parts, we design a set of alignment scheme, returned by the built-in CCD image to determine alignment by four degree of freedom displacement and attitude adjustment. We also design a control scheme to make the manipulator control and CCD image receive as a whole, and use computer control. Finally we adjust the attitude to alignment through the remote control software alignment system, while protecting the precision temperature measurement module without interference from the environment.

    Keywords   multi-spectral thermometry   unstable factors   preceding alignment system   separation  

    目   次

    1  绪论1

        1.1  研究背景及意义 1

        1.2  国内外研究现状 1

    2  前端对准系统调整方案设计4

        2.1  对准系统结构设计4

        2.2  对准系统原理说明5

    3  前端对准系统调整方案实现6

        3.1  对准结构设计实现6

        3.2  调整机制设计实现19

    4  前端对准系统控制方案设计21

        4.1  软件要求21

        4.2  软件开发21

    5  结果验证23

        4.1  光路校准23

        4.1  目标对准24

    结论 31

    致谢 32


    1  绪论

    1.1  研究背景及意义



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