


    Abstract: I took part in some school physical tests during the internship work, and some students of physical test data is obtained, which want to based on the analysis of these data to compare their health problems and performance differences between different school and analysis of different reasons. No. 3 middle school in nantong and ShuYang middle school students of grade 11, for example, further analysis of their body shape, vital capacity and quality of health. By measuring method and Spass software to their height, weight, lung capacity, etc. Various kinds of quality test results it is concluded that the exact data for analysis. And USES the method of mathematical statistics, literature review and expert interview method to send their data to analyze two, nantong third middle school boys and girls come to the BMI value is higher than ShuYang senior high school boys and girls, nantong no. 3 middle school boys on body function worse than ShuYang high school boys and nantong no. 3 middle school girls in quality is no ShuYang high school girls in quality. And put forward strategy that can carry out according to the conclusion. By comparing but also for all levels of government organs, the administrative department of education, the school to provide detailed statistics and analysis of data, to understand the physical health of students, take timely intervention measures of science.

    Keywords: no. 3 middle school in nantong, ShuYang senior middle school, the national student physical health standard, the comparative analysis

    目 录

    1 前言    4

    2 研究对象与方法  4

    2.1 研究对象  4 2.2 研究方法  4

    2.2.1 文献资料法      4 2.2.2 数理统计法  4

    2.2.3 测量法  5

    2.2.4 专家访谈法  5

    3 结果与分析  5

    3.1身体形态的比较分析     5

    3.2 身体机能的比较分析    7

    3.3 素质之间的比较分析    7

    4 讨论        9

    4.1身体形态的差异性分析     9



    5 结论         12

    6 建议     13

    参考文献     14

    致谢     15

    1  前言


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