


    Abstract: In this paper, based on the huaian college students tennis 6 universities through analyzing present situation investigation found that the participation of college students in tennis is influenced by many aspects. College students' love of tennis sport level, teachers and coaches for the construction of the weak, tennis venue facilities deficiency, the curriculum and the class number and frequency of huaian college tennis competitions held huaian college students are restricted by the development and popularization of tennis sport, at the same time according to the various factors affecting the conclusion and put forward the corresponding development Suggestions and countermeasures, and promote the development of huaian college tennis sports market, in order to make the harmonious development of huaian college tennis sports into a continuous process based. 

    Keywords:huaian,ordinary colleges and universities, tennis sports,to carry out the status quo 

    , survey 

    目   录

    1 引言 4

    2 研究对象与方法 4

    2.1 研究对象 4

    2.2研究方法 4

    2.2.1 文献资料法 4

    2.2.2 问卷调查法 5

    2.2.3 数理统计法 6

    2.2.4 逻辑分析法 6

    3 结果与分析 6

    3.1 学生对网球运动的认知与参与度情况 6

    3.1.1 学生对网球运动的兴趣的现状 6

    3.1.2 学生参与网球运动的动机 7

    3.1.3影响学生参与网球运动的原因 7

    3.1.4促进学生参与网球运动的对策 8

    3.2 高校师资队伍建设情况 8

    3.2.1 高校师资队伍现状 8

    3.2.2 影响师资队伍建设的原因 9

    3.2.3 建设师资队伍的对策 9

    3.3 网球课程开设的情况 9

    3.3.1 网球课程开设的现状 9

    3.3.2 影响网球课程开设的原因 10

    3.3.3 促进网球课程开设的对策 10

    3.4 淮安市高校部网球竞赛开展情况 11

    3.4.1 淮安市高校部网球竞赛开展现状 11

    3.4.2 影响淮安市高校部网球竞赛开展的原因 11

    3.4.3 增加淮安市高校部网球竞赛的开展

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