


    Abstract Along with the expanding enrollment of institutions of higher learning data of college students has risen sharply, the present state of high load, heavy load of education encourage us to and carry out innovation and reform from various aspects, and rich in university basketball club in campus activities and to release the pressure of students learning, training students' lifetime sports thought played a help. Stupid dissertation in xiasha 14 colleges and universities basketball club as the research object. Using the method of literature; Field survey method; Questionnaire investigation; Statistical analysis; The number of statistics; Comparison method. Research methods such as expert interview method, to xiasha university basketball club activities of the status of the investigation and analysis, analysis of existing problems and put forward their own Suggestions.

    Keyword: Xiasha university basketball club; current situation; Lifetime sports thought;community

    Abstract  2

    1.前言 5

         1.1研究背景 5

         1.2研究意义 5

         1.3现状分析 6

         1.4发展趋势 6

    2.研究对象和方法 7

         2.1研究对象 7

         2.2研究方法 7

    2.2.1问卷调查法(发放与收回) 7

    2.2.2统计分析法 7

    2.2.3实地调查法 7

    2.2.4文献资料法 8

    2.2.5数量统计法 8

    2.2.6比较法 8

    2.2.7专家访谈法 8

    3.研究内容 8

         3.1下沙高校篮球社团的基本现状 8

    3.1.1 下沙高校篮球社团规模情况 8

    3.1.2 下沙高校篮球社团的管理以及决策方式情况 10

    3.1.3 篮球社团组织活动的情况 11 篮球社团活动开展的频率 11 篮球社团开展活动情况 12 学生对篮球社团活动的反响 13

    3.1.4 下沙高校篮球社团收入构成情况 14

         3.2 下沙高校篮球社团所面临的问题以及流失会员的原因 14

    3.2.1 篮球社团会员流失现象

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