
    摘 要:为了了解目前学院体育学院学生耐力素质的现状,找出制约耐力素质发展的因素以及提高耐力素质的措施,为提高体育学院学生的耐力素质的提供参考依据。方法:本文采用了调查问卷法、文献资料法、数理统计法等方法对学院体育学院2012级学生耐力素质的现状进行分析,找出制约耐力素质发展的因素以及提高耐力素质的措施。结果发现 :8.70% 的学生耐力素质成绩优秀,16.30% 的学生耐力素质成绩良好,34.78%的学生耐力素质成绩达标,40.22%的学生耐力素质成绩不达标。主要是由于学生对耐力素质不够重视、不能够合理的处理课余时间、对耐力素质练习有恐惧心理、重技术轻耐力的思想等原因。对策:提高学生对耐力素质的重视程度;增加耐力素质练习项目选择的多样性;每天进行早锻炼;耐力素质与学业直接挂钩;每年进行体质健康标准测试。57658

    毕业论文关 键 词:体育学院学生,耐力素质,现状,对策

    Abstract :  Objective to understand the current status of the endurance quality of Huaiyin Normal University Sports Institute 2012 level of students, to find out the factors restricting endurance quality development and improve the endurance quality measures, in order to improve the endurance sports college students to provide reference. Methods: This paper adopts questionnaire method, literature method, mathematical statistics method of grade 2012 students endurance quality of the  Huaiyin Normal University Sports Institute method, find out factors restricting endurance quality development and improve the endurance quality measures research. The results showed that:8.70% students endurance quality excellence, 16.30% good student endurance quality grades, 34.78% students endurance quality scores a goal, the endurance quality score 40.22% students is not up to the standard. Countermeasures: to improve students attach importance to the endurance quality; persity increased endurance exercise project selection; every morning; directly linked to the endurance quality and academic; physical health standard test every year.

    Key words: the students of departments of P.E.; endurance; present condition; countermeasures

    目  录

    1 前言 5

    2研究对象与方法 6

    2.1研究对象 6

    2.2研究方法 6

    2.2.1文献资料法 6

    2.2.2调查问卷法 6

    2.2.3 数理统计法 6

    3结果与分析 6

    3.1学院体育学院2012级学生耐力素质的现状 6

    3.1.1 学院体育学院2012级学生耐力素质成绩 6

    3.1.2学院体育学院2012级学生进入大学后耐力素质的变化 7

    3.2学院体育学院2012级学生耐力素质下降的原因调查 7

    3.2.1体育学院学生对耐力素质的恐惧心理以及耐力素质锻炼的枯燥乏 7

    3.2.2体育学院学生不能合理的分配课余时间 8

    3.2.3体育学院学生不能积极主动的出早操 8

    3.2.4体育学院的学生在优先发展的体育能力方面重技术轻耐力 9

    3.2.5体育学院的学生对耐力素质的重视程度不足 9


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