
    摘  要:为了更好的了解溧阳排球运动发展成绩和开展过程中的不足及困难,文中对溧阳区部分中小学及俱乐部团体带头人进行发放问卷调查,对收回问卷后的数据进行了进一步的整理、分类、统计;再通过市区级的排球比赛,观察其规模和参加实质情况;最后通过电子阅览、相关论文资料、与参与问卷的教练员、部分学校领导,通过访谈了解到当下溧阳区的排球训练及比赛情况。根据走访发现溧阳区排球运动开展较为普遍,学习排球气氛较高。优点有;领导比较重视;教练员积极配合训练;排球专业教师相对较多;全区排球氛围很好等。根据溧阳区发展现状提出以下的建议:多加大排球硬件设施的配备;多关注农村排球运动的发展;对教练员应进行有偿训练;加强校与校间的排球交流;多举办学校排球比赛及群众性的排球趣比赛等。希望通过溧阳区排球运动开展成功原因的调查与分析,能为全市及全省的排球运动事业发展起到一定的参考作用。57601


    Abstract: In changzhou, in order to better understand the volleyball movement development achievements and the deficiencies and difficulties, in the process of the part of liyang district elementary and middle schools and clubs in the form of group leader to carry on the questionnaire survey, to withdraw after the questionnaire data for further arrangement, classification, statistics; Again through the municipal of volleyball match, scale and to observe its essence; Finally through electronic reading the relevant papers, materials, and participate in the questionnaire of coaches and part of the school leadership, and through the interviews to the volleyball training and the competition situation of liyang district. According to visit found common of liyang district volleyball sports, learning volleyball atmosphere is higher. Advantages are; Leadership value; Coaches actively cooperate with the training; Volleyball more professional teachers; A good volleyball in the atmosphere, etc. Development issues such as: site construction need to be perfect; To increase rural equipped with equipment, etc. According to the situation of liyang district development put forward the following Suggestions: increase volleyball hardware facilities equipped; Pay more attention to the development of rural volleyball; Coaches should be paid training; Strengthen the school and the school volleyball communication; Run a school and mass volleyball volleyball more interesting games, etc. Hope can liyang district has a certain reference role in the development of volleyball.

    Keywords: Volleyball;Development present situation; Primary and secondary schools; Mass; Analysis 


    前言 6

    1 研究对象及研究方法 6

    1.1 研究对象 6

    1.2 研究方法 6

    2 常州市溧阳区排球运动开展现状与分析 6

    2.1 溧阳区排球运动开展情况简述 6

    2.2 溧阳区学校排球球场的现状 7

    2.3 溧阳区中小学排球课程的开展现状 7

    2.4 溧阳区中小学师资现状 8

    2.5 溧阳中小学排球队每周训练现状 8

    2.6比赛现状 9

    2.6.1学校定期举办排球比赛情况 9

    2.6.2学校每年参加各级比赛情况 10

    2.7 教练员训练经费现状

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