
    摘 要:随着时代的变迁,如今的人们对于生活的质量要求也逐渐的提高。生活的物质水平也相应的得到了质的飞跃,但是相对应的身体素质却是没有得到提高,健康就成了人们越来越关心的话题,健身房应孕而生。然而健身房众多并且良莠不齐,发展状况也不并没有表面上的光鲜亮丽。本文试对常州市区健身房发展现状的调查进行分析,并寻求出常州市健身房的较好的发展方向。本课题采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等方法,运用经济管理学,市场营销学等基本原理 ,以常州市健身房为研究对象,通过对这些健身房发展现状的调查进行分析与论述,提出若干切实可行的针对常州市健身房更好发展的方法和建议以及对常州市健身房未来发展的趋势进行大致思考与描述。减少常州市健身房不必要的发展弯路的发生,有效的使常州市健身房的发展更加迅速和稳健。从而为常州市健身房的进一步开展作出一定的贡献。66816


    Abstract: As the change of The Times, the people to the improvement of life quality requirements also gradually. Life material level and the corresponding got a qualitative leap, but fail to improve the physical quality is corresponding to the health become people increasingly concerned about the topic, The gym appeared. Many gyms and the good and bad are intermingled, however, the development situation is not on the surface of the glamorous. This article tries to Changzhou city gym development present situation investigation and analysis, and seek out the good development direction of Changzhou gym. This topic USES the literature material law, questionnaire survey method, mathematical statistics method, using economic management, marketing and other basic principle, Changzhou gym as the research object, by investigating the current situation of the development of the gym are analyzed and discussed, puts forward some feasible methods for better development of Changzhou gym and advice as well as to the Changzhou general thinking and future development trend of the gym. To reduce the development of Changzhou gym unnecessary detours, effective make the Changzhou gym development faster and more robust. Thus to contribute to the further development of Changzhou gym. 

    Keywords: Gym,Fitness trainer,Current situation,Changzhou city

    目 录

    1  前言 5

    2  研究对象与研究方法 5

    2.1  研究对象 5

    2.2  研究方法 5

    2.2.1  文献资料法 5

    2.2.2  问卷调查法 6

    2.2.3  数理统计法 6

    2.2.4  实地走访法 6

    3  研究结果与分析 6

    3.1  常州市区健身房的概况 6

    3.1.1  常州市区健身房的分布 6

    3.1.2  常州市区健身房的类型和建立的时间 7

    3.1.3  常州市区健身房场地面积、经费投入情况 7

    3.1.4  常州市区健身房的经营模式、收费状况 8

    3.1.5  常州市区健身房的项目设置和会员人数 8

    3.2  常州市区健身房健身教练的现状调查 9

    3.2.1  常州市区健身房健身教练的性别、年龄、学历结构

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