


    Abstract : In recent years , according to the National Student Physical Health Monitoring results show that: China 's urban and rural students height and weight growth continued its upward trend, while the explosive power , strength , flexibility and lung capacity and other indicators continue to show a downward trend. Through the use of literature , survey , induction and mathematical statistics method, GuanNaXian 18 rural primary schools, 540 students were from the student body functions , body shape, physical fitness, physical health and other aspects of comprehensive evaluation investigation , and the National student physical Health monitoring results are compared , the results showed that: GuanNaXian rural primary school student body functions , body shape, physical fitness were lower than the national primary school age , reason : genetic environment , parents do not pay attention thinking and students' academic and other increasingly heavy burden . Thus , rural primary school students how to solve GuanNaXian physical problem , we recommend that the current exam examination system reform , expansion of quality resources area schools , solve the problem of students into good schools so that students can really smooth implementation of the " Sunshine Sports" ; while to step up publicity to student's health care and actively create a social atmosphere , not only from the start , and systems , should the liberation of school leaders, teachers, parents inherent ideology ; strengthening and implementation of the " school Sports work" development and implementation , taking a step forward implement the " Sports Law " , to ensure that students one hour a day exercise time .

    Keywords: irrigation south, rural , primary , physical

    目   录  

    1  前言5

    2  研究对象与方法5

    2.1 研究对象5

    2.2 研究方法   5

    3  研究结果与分析  6

    3.1灌南县农村小学生身体形态特征分析   6

    3.2灌南县农村小学生身体机能特征分析   6

    3.3灌南县农村小学生身体素质特征分析   7

    3.4灌南县农村小学生体质健康综合分析与评定   8

    4  结论 9



    1 前言


  1. 上一篇:淮安市社区体育文化现状与发展对策研究
  2. 下一篇:淮安地区大学新生健康意识及健康行为的调查与分析
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