

    毕业论文关键词:体育; 兴趣; 原因; 对策

    Abstract  Einstein once said: "I think, for all, only love is the best teacher, it is far more than the sense of responsibility." And one of the love is interest. It is true that interest is the best teacher, interest can inspire all power and confidence, interest is the most direct favorable conditions to success. And for the sports curriculum, often many schools and parents ignored the its role, that this course is optional, not knowing, physical education plays a vital role. It is not only related to the cultivation of students' aesthetic quality of sports, but also relates to the development of students' comprehensive quality. For the comprehensive deepening of the reform of the contemporary sports classroom, teachers must arouse the interest of students love sports, according to their growth needs, so that they are happy through the physical education curriculum. Stimulate students' interest in sports, not only can make the students feel the charm of the beauty of life, and sports in the classroom, and culture and stimulate the students' interest in learning of physical education class to inspire students to love life, edify sentiment has important significance. Can enable students to grow and develop in the interests of sports. To encourage students to take an active, strong interest in sports into the classroom, to stimulate students' learning interest in the classroom, is the focus of our every physical education. Therefore, this paper mainly adopts the research methods of literature data method, expert interview method, investigation method of the questionnaire, middle school students in Hangzhou City, the lack of the specific reasons for the interest in sports was investigated. The purpose is to from the students participate in physical exercise situation, analysis and exploration of Hangzhou City high school students lack of interest in sports specific reasons, and to find out practical and effective means to solve this problem.Through investigation and study, it is found that the reasons of students' lack of interest mainly include the physiological and psychological reasons, the reason of teachers, the reason of teaching equipment and the reason of sports injury. Through the research on the Countermeasures of improving the middle school students' physical education learning interest, the method of how to stimulate students' interest in learning is obtained. Through research and analysis, teaching reform of physical education for each middle school in Hangzhou city to provide effective measures. In order to promote better sports activities of middle school students in Hangzhou city.

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