

    本文将对其进行研究。本文采用文献资料法,教学观察法、问卷调查法、教学访谈法对庆元县100名8-12初学游泳儿童进行15天的调查研究。目的是依照儿童生理和心理发展特点进行游泳教学,对儿童学习进行观察。结果如下:通过游泳培训观察儿童游泳的兴趣爱好,水平程度,恐水程度以及惧水原因的形成,和如何克服儿童初学游泳的心理恐惧,得出8-12岁的儿童惧水的心理恐惧原因:内部因素:儿童年龄小,对外界环境的适应能力较差,且相比年龄较大的儿童在心智上没有那么成熟,极易产生心理恐惧和不能接受 ;儿童的自主学习能力弱,缺乏主观能动性,且对事物兴趣低,所以学习事物的动机差;极为容易受到外界环境的影响(如同学、老师和家长的言语),心理非常脆弱,不能承受较为严重的打击。外部因素:游泳时,外部的环境不同于在陆地上的环境,由于儿童在前期有喝水呛水的害怕经历,所以对儿童游泳学习形成了恐惧;教师未能了解儿童在游泳时产生心理恐惧的主要原因,且不能合理的运用正确的教学方法的话,就不能对儿童进行完整的教学。措施如下:(1)不断让学生熟悉水性,且不断培养儿童学习的主要兴趣,才是儿童克服困难最好的方法,使能为儿童学习打下良好的基础,为后续可持续发展打下良好根基(2)表扬能让儿童重新建立信心,能让儿童对克服恐惧有新的理解,是一种极为有效的教育手段。(3)榜样教学法是很好的教学方式,让成绩较差的学生做示范,既能让儿童能克服害怕水的心理,而且还能让儿童能更为深刻的记忆这些动作技能,而且让学生在某些方面不再那么放不开,提升学生各方面的思想道德(4)数据表明,儿童只有在不断的观察、模仿和认真刻苦的联系才能更好的学习游泳,掌握游泳的基本技能。建议如下:(1)游泳教学中,儿童的心理恐惧多数是因为水的特殊环境所照成的,所以熟悉水性对儿童克服恐惧很重要;(2)不断的对学生表扬,然后让学生培养出对事物的兴趣,能建立起学生自己的自信心,慢慢的克服儿童的心理恐惧;(3)模仿是儿童学习的主要手段,所以我们在教学中要让学生学习到最为正确的动作,这样能让学生能更好的学习到方法,且能更快的掌握其中的技能;(4)克服儿童心理恐惧是一个来之不易的过程,教学者要不断的是改变教学手段,去适应一些学生的特殊情况。

    Abstract:The people's attention to swim,This paper will study on it. This article USES the literature material law, teaching observation, questionnaire survey method, interview method of closing hillsides 100 8-12 beginner swimming children in the investigation of the 15 days. Purpose is in accordance with the children's physical and mental development characteristics of swimming teaching, to look at the children to learn.The results are as follows: (1) through the swimming training observation of children's interests and hobbies, swimming level degree, water levels and dread will cause the formation of water, and how to overcome the children swimming beginners psychological fear, fear that children aged 8 to 12 water psychological reason for fear: internal factors: the child's age is small, poor's ability to adapt to the environment, and compared with the older children less mature in mind, prone to psychological fear and unacceptable; Children's autonomous learning ability is weak, lack of subjective initiative, and low interest in things, so the motivation of learning things worse; Is easily affected by the external environment (such as the words of the students, teachers and parents), psychological very fragile, cannot afford more severe blow. External factors: swimming, the external environment is different from the environment on land, because of the children in the early stage of the water choking fear of water, so to children swimming learning form the fear; Teachers failed to understand children swimming in the produce of the main causes of the psychological fear, and can't apply the right teaching method, will not be able to complete the teaching of children (2) the results of study show that only by constantly to let the students familiar with water, and constantly develop children's main interest, learning is the best way to overcome the difficulties in children, can make children learn to lay a good foundation, lay a good foundation for the subsequent sustainable development (3) studies have shown that praise can make children to build confidence, can let the children have a new understanding, to overcome the fear is a very effective means of education. (4) the model teaching method is a good teaching way, let the result of poor students do demonstration, can let the children to overcome the fear of the water, but also can let the children can more profound memory these motor skills, and let the students in some ways less put does not open, enhance students' ideological and ethical in all aspects (5) data show that children only in constant observation, imitation and hard links to better learn to swim, to master the basic skills of swimming. Has put forward the following opinions: (1) the swimming teaching, children's psychological fear most is because in the special environment of water, so familiar with water is very important for children to overcome the fear. (2) the constant praise to students, and then let the students to cultivate interest in things that students can build up their confidence, slowly overcome the psychological fear of children (3) to imitate is a major means of children's learning, so we in the teaching to make students learn the right action, it can let students be able to better learning method, and to master the skills of children (4) to overcome the psychological fear is a hard-won, the process of teaching is to change teaching methods, to adapt to the special case of some of the students.

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