

    With the progress of the times, social change, to enhance the students' physical quality, and promote physical and mental health has become an important task in PE teaching, is also one of the main factors to improve the students' physical quality. On 4 items of physical fitness data of Hangzhou three key high school boys were analyzed, these four qualities are boys: chin up, body anteflexion in sitting position, standing long jump, 1000 meter run; in order to understand the student's physical quality and growth condition, for the school, society, family and the students themselves to provide accurate information and data therefore, the research, through the detailed observation of 4 items of physical fitness, present situation analysis, a comprehensive understanding of their health status, characteristics, master student in school physical condition, provides the reference for the sports teaching. In order to the healthy development of the students in the management and decision support.

    毕业论文关键词:体质素质; 身体锻炼;高中生。

    Keyword:  physical fitness;physical activity; The high school student

    目  录

    摘要 3

    1.前言 4

    2.研究对象与方法 4

     2.1研究对象 4

     2.2研究方法 4

    2.2.1文献资料法 4

    2.2.2实地调查法 4

    2.2.3访问法 4

    2.2.4数理统计分析法 5

    3.引体向上的影响因素和提高方法 6

     3.1因素 6

     3.2 方法 6

     4坐位体前屈的影响因素和提高方法 7

     4.1因素 7

    4.2方法 7

     5.立定跳远的影响因素和方法 8

     5.1因素 8

     5.2方法 8

     6耐久跑的影响因素和提高方法 9

    6.1因素 9

     6.2方法 9

     7结论和建议 10



    7.2.1微观性建议 10

    7.2.2宏观性建议 10

    参考文献 11

    致谢 12


    身体素质好的代表“身体素质” 英文对照 physical quality; physical fitness; body quality; 身体素质是人体在运动、劳动和日常活动中,在中枢神经调节下,各器官系统功能的综合表现,如力量、耐力、速度、灵敏、柔韧衡量一个人体质状况的重要标志之一。身体素质的发展,对增强人的体质和健康有重要意义。

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