

    毕业论文关键词:篮球活动;高中男生; 开展现状;课余篮球

    Abstract :In this paper, the use of literature, questionnaire, mathematical statistics, on Sihong Hongxiang High School boys basketball activities summarize the current situation and study, found that most of the boys on the basketball high participation interest , mainly involved in the form of half three pairs of 3,4 to 4, aims to exercise and have fun, but by the examination-oriented education and the traditional concepts, school leaders, teacher and parent support is not enough for basketball activities, and basketball hardware facilities can not basketball activities to meet the needs of students. Therefore, according to Sihong Hong Xiang Middle School basketball trends, correspondingly more organized three pairs of 3,4 to 4 half-court basketball competition, improve their basketball skills, school leaders, teacher and parents should change the traditional ideas, respect for students will, there is a basketball school should increase the construction and maintenance of the hardware facilities to create material conditions for basketball.

    Keywords :Basketball activities; High school boys; To carry out the status quo; School basketball

    目  录

    1.前言 4

    2. 研究对象与方法 4

    2.1  研究对象 4

    2.2  研究方法 4

    2.2.1 文献资料法 4

    2.2.2  问卷调查法 4

    2.2.3  数理统计法 5

    3.  研究结果与分析 5

    3.1  泗洪县洪翔中学高中男生课余篮球活动开展现状 5

    3.1.1泗洪县洪翔中学高中男生参与课余篮球活动的目的 5

    3.1.2泗洪县洪翔中学高中男生对于课余篮球活动的态度 5

    3.1.3泗洪县洪翔中学高中男生课余时间最喜欢参与的体育活动 6

    3.1.4泗洪县洪翔中学高中男生每周参与课余篮球活动的次数 6

    3.1.5泗洪县洪翔中学高中男生参与课余篮球活动的形式 6

    3.1.6泗洪县洪翔中学高中男生每次参与课余篮球活动的持续时间 7

    3.2 影响泗洪县洪翔中学高中男生课余篮球活动开展的因素 7

    3.2.1 泗洪县洪翔中学学校领导对高中男生课余篮球活动的支持力度 7

    3.2.2 泗洪县洪翔中学班主任对高中男生课余篮球活动的支持力度 8

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