
    摘要现代竞技武术比赛中,采用了类似体操的评分方式,难度动作的内容在规则中做了的规定,共有三类动作,分别是平衡类难度、腿法类难度和跳跃类难度。三类难度中跳跃类难度分为三个等级A级、B级、C级跳跃类动作以其“高”、“难”、“美”的动作特点被广泛的运用在套路编排中。规则对技术难度的要求逐渐呈现提高的趋势而导致了这种情况的原因有多方面的,其中侧空翻转体360°作为武术中的B级难度,它是专业武术队保持高水平的普通难度动作,又是普通武术运动远员迈向高水平运动员的一个标志性动作,基于前任的研究都是从生物力学、稳定性、难度的损伤性等方面进行研究,对于侧空翻转体360°如何能让普通运动员快速掌握提及较少,而侧空翻转体360°的训练方法是本文的研究重点。本文研究将侧空翻转体360°整个动作过程划分为三个阶段---助跑踏跳阶段、腾空转体阶段、落地阶段进行简单的分析,并对于侧空翻转体360°训练方法进行研究,研究中是采用拖带的方法还是道具辅助的方法,能让运动员更快的学会侧空翻转体360°将会进行对比分析, 但训练方法的科学与否至关重要。所以设计出这个动作的优化训练方案, 为科学训练提供必要的参考48193


    Pick to  The modern competitive Wushu competition, using a similar gymnastics scoring method, the content of the difficulty movement made provisions in the rules, there are three types of action, respectively is balance difficulty, leg difficulty and jumping difficulty. In Three types of difficulty, jumping difficulty is pided into three grade, A, B, C .jump tired movement with its "high", "difficult", "beauty" operating characteristics are widely used in the arrangement of routine. The side somersault twist 360 degrees as in the martial arts B level, it is a professional wushu team to maintain normal difficulty actions of high level, it is a sign of movement towards a member of far ordinary martial arts high level athletes, based on the former research is from the aspects of injury biomechanics, stability, difficulty how, for side somersault twist 360 degrees can make ordinary athletes grasp and the training method is rarely mentioned, side somersault twist 360 degrees is the focus of this article. This research will pide the whole side somersault twist 360 degrees action into three stages --- run-up jumping phase and flight phase of the twist, the landing stage of simple analysis, and to study the somersault swivel 360 training methods, research method is adopted the method or the way out towing auxiliary, which can make athletes learn faster in the side somersault twist 360 degrees and will analyze it, in order to draw a conclusion.

    Keywords:The competitive martial arts;routine;Side of the our country of 360 °;Motion analysis 

    目    录

    1引言 4

    2研究对象与研究方法 5

    2.1研究对象 5

    2.2研究方法 5

    2.2.1文献调查法 5

    2.2.2专家访谈法 5

    2.2.3观察法 5

    2.2.4对比分析法 5

    2.2.5数理分析法 5

    3.1动作分析 5

    3.1.1侧空翻转体360°助跑踏跳阶段 5

    3.1.2侧空翻转体360°腾空转体阶段 5

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