
    摘要:运动损伤是各种项目的体育教学与训练中较为普遍的现象。而大量资料及研究表明,膝关节是高校武术专项教学活动中受伤最多的部位。本课题采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法等方法,运用体育解剖学,体育保健学等基本原理 ,以淮阴师范学院体育学院武术专项学生为研究对象,目的:通过对这些学生膝关节受伤的原因及预防对策进行探讨与论述,提出若干切实可行的防止膝关节损伤的方法和建议以及对患处简单及时的处理应对措施。意义:减少体育学院武术专项学生在专项课教学活动中膝关节运动损伤的发生,有效的保护学生的练习兴趣与身体健康。从而为体育学院武术课程的进一步开展作出一定的贡献。具体预防措施如下:课前必须做好充分的准备活动;禁止在较硬地面练习中、高难度动作;在专项课前尽量减少较为剧烈的其他项目运动,避免过度疲劳;在身体出现伤病症状后,要停止练习,待其痊愈再开始专项课练习;在学习新动作时,要在深刻领会与正确掌握动作要领基础上进行练习,避免因动作错误导致伤病的发生。57730


    Abstract: the sports injury in sports teaching and training of the project is a variety of common phenomenon.And a large number of data and research show that most knee is injured in the martial arts teaching activities in colleges and universities.This topic USES the literature material law, questionnaire survey, expert interviews and other methods, the use of sports anatomy, sports health care to learn basic principles of huaiyin normal university sports institute special martial arts students as the research object, through to the students the cause and the prevention countermeasures are discussed and the knee joint, this paper puts forward the feasible method to prevent knee injuries and advice as well as to the affected area simple treatment response in a timely manner.Specific measures such as: must be well prepared before class activities;Prohibited in the practice of hard ground surface, difficult moves;In a special class to minimize other projects more violent campaign, avoid burnout;After the body injury symptoms, to stop the practice, special classes for the recovery to start practice;When learning new movements, to understand and correctly grasp the behavioral essentials based on practice, avoid the happening of injury caused by error action.

    Keywords:Martial arts teaching,The knee joint,Damage,Prevention



    1.1研究背景 5

    1. 2研究目的与意义5

    2. 1研究对象5

    2. 2研究方法5




    3 膝关节的解剖学概要与运动功能特征6

    3. 1 膝关节的解剖学特点6

    3. 2 膝关节运动6

    3.  3 膝关节的主要辅助结构及其功能6

    4. 4 武术运动中常见的膝关节损伤类型及其损伤机制分析7

    4. 1 膝关节内侧副韧带损伤8

    4. 1 .1 损伤原因及损伤原理分析8

    4. 1 .2 症状:8

    4. 2 髌骨劳损8

    4. 2. 1 损伤原因及损伤原理分析8

    4. 2 .2  症状: 9

    4. 3 半月板损伤9

    4. 3 .1 损伤原因及损伤原理分析9

    4. 3. 2症状:9

    5  膝关节损伤的预防与简单处理10

    5. 1. 1 内侧副韧带损伤的简单处理10

    5. 1 .2 预防: 10

    5. 2 .1膝关节半月板损伤的简单处理10

    5. 2 .2预防: 10

    5. 3.1髌骨劳损的简单处理11

    5. 3.2 预防:11





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