
    1. Hangzhou youth diathesis developing training institutions development is relatively good, location equipment complete facilities is perfect, but some of the older equipment facilities, some of the course content is outdated, can't meet the teenager's interest and keep pace with The Times.

    2. At present, hangzhou youth diathesis developing training institutions formed to undergraduate and professional qualifications, professional sports as the theme of younger trainer. But the degree of low level, single structure, younger age, teaching experience shallow factors restricting the development of teenagers' diathesis of hangzhou reform, still need to further improve.

    3. Hangzhou teenagers most satisfied with diathesis developing training institutions, its course project can meet the demand of the growth of the teenagers, but in the persification and inpiduation of the 21st century, a part of teenagers to institutions, teens eager to choose according to their own interests course project, and participate in the limited time cannot complete all project, affect adolescent's enthusiasm and initiative in class.

    4. Hangzhou very pay attention to security issues, youth diathesis developing training institutions in the field instruments, teenagers do it in such aspects as safety management, but to some extent and protect students' safety, take a conservative attitude, hindered the high quality of teenagers quality training to expand.

    Based on the development status of its existing and put forward Suggestions and countermeasures to promote the development of diathesis developing training:

    1. Currently hangzhou teenagers' diathesis training course project is given priority to with traditional project, Suggestions combined with social hot spot teenagers interested in the project, enrich the teaching content, such as reference of the run to it, brothers, combining games and training.

    2. Hangzhou teenagers' diathesis institutions shall actively recruiting highly educated and experienced trainers, growing team of teachers, provide good teachers guarantee for training; Pay close attention to the cultivation of the trainers, increase the funds investment, encourage the trainers to improve their own teaching enthusiasm and teaching ability, optimize the teaching team.

    3. Recommended training institutions can be carried out in accordance with the youth's interests, needs, pide into classes teaching, improve the participation enthusiasm of youth, our youth's subjective initiative; To extend the time of teenagers to participate in training, to ensure teenagers trying different project course.

    4. Recommended training institutions under the premise of ensure the safety of students, bold attempt to reform and innovation for the development of outward bound training courses.

    Key words: education; Teenagers; Physical and mental quality; Expand training; hangzhou

    目    录


    1 导论…1



    2 研究现状…1






    3 研究对象与方法3




    3.2.2 访谈法4

    3.2.3 实地考察法4

    3.2.4 问卷调查法4

    3.2.5 数理统计法4


    4 研究结果与分析4




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