


    毕业论文关键词:体育锻炼 现状 大学生  终身体育 

    Abstract:College PE is the last stage of the school sports education, is to train students' correct sports attitude, sports consciousness is the best time. Present university physical education curriculum, cultivate students as possible to the sports interest, help students to grasp the method of scientific and effective practice, select one or more favorite or good at project, carry on the long-term practice, gradually in the process of practice to master scientific exercise methods and habits, to develop lifelong sports consciousness. To develop team consciousness and in the process of physical exercise on its own character of hone, can independently in the complex social environment, the independent personality, make its own contributions for the development of the society.

    In this paper, the former normal university, the present conditions of the ordinary university students physical exercise situation and its influence factors are analyzed, for the better development of normal university sports work, enrich our school student sports life, improve the physical quality and health level, sets up the lifelong sports consciousness and lifelong sports habits, etc. To provide some valuable reference. But also for our future better to develop sports work provides a scientific basis.

    Keywords: Physical exercise   Current situation   College student   normal university   Lifelong sports

    目    录

    1、引言  5

    1.1选题依据  5

    1.2文献综述  5

    1.3研究的目的及意义  5

    1.3.1研究的目的  5

    1.3.2研究的意义 5

    2、研究的对象及方法 6

    2.1研究的对象  6

    2.2研究的方法  6

    2.1.1文献资料法 6

    2.2.2问卷调查法 6

    2.2.3数理统计法 6

    2.2.4逻辑分析法 6

    3、研究结果与分析 6

    3.1 。大学普通学生体育参与现状 6

    3.1.1性别差异对体育锻炼影响 7

    3.1.2学生锻炼频率、锻炼时间和锻炼强度现状分析 7锻炼频度调查情况 7锻炼时间调查情况 7锻炼强度调查情况 7

    3.1.3学生体育活动场所统计 8

    3.1.4体育活动伙伴的选择情况 8

    3.1.5获取体育知识的渠道 8

    3.1.6直接参与体育比赛情况 9

    3.1.7课余体育锻炼活动时间段 9

    3.1.8对国内外高水平体育赛事的关注度 9

    3.1.9体育消费水平调查 10

    3.1.10学生体育消费形式 10

    3.2。大学普通大学生锻炼动机情况分析 10

    3.2.1学科差异对体育锻炼动机的影响 11

    3.2.2年级差异对体育锻炼动机的影响 11

    3.2.3性别差异对体育锻炼的影响  12

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