
    摘要现在高校体育是我国学校体育的重要组成部分,是我国开展素质教育的重要方面,是我国全民健身体系中一步健全的重要途径。于2009年10月1日起实行的《全民健身条例》也对学生参加体育相关活动有较多要求。目前我国普通高校课外体育活动开展情况有诸多模式,开展情况有利有弊。如何才能较高限度调动学生参与体育活动积极性成为研究课外体育活动的热点。挑战自我、挑战体能、超越自我等的校园体育赛事使校园体育活动充满生机活力,强化了学生参加体育的意识,提高了参与活动的兴趣,开展一系列丰富多样的课外体育活动离不开校园赛事的举办。以校园赛事为平台的课外体育活动作为高校体育的第二课堂, 体育课的延伸和发展贯穿在这教育的全过程。通过对普通高校课外体育赛事开展情况进行调查研究发现,高校体育赛事有利于构建校园和谐体育文化,有利于学生身心健康发展,也是高校体育文化的重要组成部分。扩大对普通高校课外体育赛事的宣传,有利于更多的学生去了解、去参与,同时对我国全面健身计划起着较大的促进作用。构建以校园赛事为平台的课外体育活动模式,是按照学生分层次分级别安排体育赛事,通过赛事平台激发学生体育知识和技能的学习,提高对体育文化的认知,调动学生体育兴趣,最大限度提高学生的运动参与,对实现学校体育目标和促进全民健身工程都有极大意义。47597

        Abstract:Now college sports are an important part of school sports is an important aspect of China Quality Education is an important way to further our national fitness system sound. With effect from October 1, 2009 implementation of the "fitness regulations" is for students to participate in sports-related activities with more requirements. At present, China college extracurricular sports activities situation has many modes, carry case both advantages and disadvantages. How can a higher limit mobilize the enthusiasm of students to participate in sports activities has become a hot research extracurricular sports activities. Challenge themselves, challenge the physical, beyond the self and other sporting events on campus to make the campus sports activities full of vitality, strengthen the awareness of students to participate in sports, increased interest to participate in activities, to carry out a series of perse extracurricular sports activities can not be separated campus events held. Campus events as a platform for extracurricular sports activities as a second class college sports, extension and development of physical education throughout this whole process of education. Through college extracurricular sports were carried out research found that college sports is conducive to building a harmonious campus sports culture, help students develop physical and mental health, but also an important part of college sports culture. Expand college extracurricular sports publicity, help more students to know, to participate, while our overall fitness program plays a greater role in promoting. Event as a platform to build the campus extracurricular sports activities mode, in accordance with sub-level hierarchical arrangement student sporting events platform inspire students by race sports knowledge and skills learning, raise awareness of sports culture, sports mobilize student interest, the maximum improve students' sports participation for achieving the goals and promote school sports fitness project has great significance.

    毕业论文关键词: 师范大学 课外体育;校园赛事;体育活动模式

       Keywords: Normal University; Extracurricular sports,Campus events,Physical activity patterns

    目  录

    1前言 1

    1.1研究的背景 1

  1. 上一篇:体育教育专业学生篮球裁判能力培养研究
  2. 下一篇:大学体育设施对外开放现状的调查与分析
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