


    Abstract Belongs to the traditional Chinese martial arts martial art, it is a kick, hit, throw, take, strike, stab and other martial movements as the main content, focus on the drill method internally and externally, the exercise requires both God-shaped style, by hand or by means of physical performance offensive and defensive combat capability of the instrument. Wushu includes routines and confrontation in two forms. Routine exercise is highly refined and martial art reproduction, it comes from the martial art of attack and higher, belong to nature athlete performance drill skills, is the highest expression of martial arts form; Sanda martial practicality highly offensive and defensive techniques, the two pair the real fell to a real fight, his nature is real struggle and fighting. Whether it is confrontational Sanda, or potential situation Xiangcheng routine movement, they are based on traditional Chinese martial confrontation methods, technology as the core.

    Keywords: Wushu; Sanda; confrontation

    目  录

    1 前言 7

    2研究文献综述 7

    2.1国内对武术套路和散打相关研究概述 7

    2.2概念 7

    2.2.1武术 7

    2.2.2武术套路 7

    2.2.3散打 8

    3研究依据和研究意义 8

    3.1研究依据 8

    4研究对象和方法 8

    4.1研究对象 8

    武术套路和散打 8

    4.2研究方法 8

    4.2.1文献资料法 8

    4.2.2案例法 8

    4.2.3逻辑归纳法 8

    4.2.4分析综合法 8

    5武术套路和散打的形式与特点 8

    5.1武术套路的形式与特点 8

    5.2武术散打的形式与特点 9

    6武术套路和散打的共性 9

    6.1技击方法与内容相近 9

    6.2技术技能演练相得益彰 9

    7武术套路和散打的区别 9

    7.1技能类别不同 9

    7.2技术特征不同 10

    7.3训练的手段、方法和内容不同 10

    8武术套路和散打共异性的思考与分析 10

    8.1突出武术套路的攻防技击性 10


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