

    毕业论文关键词:下沙经济开发区     群众篮球运动   开展现状    影响因素   启示

    To study the main factors affecting the Hangzhou Economic Development Zone, conducted mass basketball, these factors reveal a mass effect on the popularity of basketball, we use literature, visit survey, mathematical statistics and other research methods to Hangzhou Participants Xiasha Economic Development Zone, the mass of basketball as the research object, through questionnaires to participants, drawn Xiasha Economic Development Zone, a higher degree of socialization mass of basketball, analysis results in the region to carry out mass basketball better main factors: Participants factors, local culture and customs of factors, movement characteristics factors, site equipment and other hardware factors, local factors in the sports industry, sports policy factors; and, on the impact of Hangzhou Economic Development Zone, conduct mass basketball The main factors were analyzed systematically. The results show that, to carry out mass Basketball inseparable three factors: first, the objective conditions, namely, space equipment, funds and other objective factors basketball needs, these are the first elements of basketball undertaken. Hangzhou better economic base, and has been strongly supported by overseas Chinese, with good sports facilities. Second, the main participants in the subjective conditions for a break consciousness of the masses is the main mass brigade ball movement, only people subject awareness, actively engaged in basketball activities in order to become possible, Hangzhou Economic Development Zone, conduct mass basketball A great feature is the higher consciousness mass basketball players, and has formed a local custom. Third, a higher degree of social management of the mass of basketball, Hangzhou Economic Development Area to carry out mass basketball, but showed more spontaneous and disorderly conduct mass basketball activities more blind, lacking scientific organization and management, which is in Hangzhou mass basketball can achieve greater development of important reasons.

     Keyword: Xiasha Economic Development Zone influence the masses Basketball Present Situation factors revelation

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