

     Swimming is always regarded as one of the most popular sports especially among young people. Recent years, setting swimming classes in primary school has been a trend. Through the swimming class, not only do students pet the basic survival skill, but also get their health enhanced as well as the willpower. This paper takes Wahaha primary school as sample so to study the summer swimming training condition among pupils in Hangzhou. Hangzhou Wahaha Primary School located in Labor Road, is a demonstration primary school in Shangcheng district with its district features which is a originally established for foreigners in 1964 with the title of Wahaha.Every summer, Wahaha Primary School natatorium recruit students for a summer swimming training. After the research and interview towards the coach and students, it shows that 8% of all pupils in Hangzhou participate in the summer swimming training and among which 90% of them manage to swim. Yet, the proficiency of swimming different from man to man. The proficiency is judged by the swimming distance in one time and 50 meters is A. As a result, 65% trainers pass the test while 35% fail. It is 100% sum that the swimming training contributes to the P.E grades in senior high school entrance examination. Judging form all above, I believe that it is necessary to get pupils into the summer swimming training.

    毕业论文关键词:  杭州市;小学生;游泳;娃哈哈小学游泳馆;调查   

      Key words: Hangzhou ; Pupil ; Swimming ; Wahaha Primary School Natatorium ;  Survey

    目    录

    1引言 1

    2研究对象与研究方法 4

        2.1 研究对象 4

        2.2研究方法 4

        2.2.1实地考察与查阅资料法 4

        2.2.2 问卷调查法 4

    3研究结果与分析 4

        3.1 娃哈哈小学参加游泳训练的人数及分析 4

          3.1.1 娃哈哈小学2014年参加暑期游泳训练的小学生总人数及教练员人数 4

          3.1.2 娃哈哈小学2012和2013年参加暑期游泳训练的小学生人数和教练员人数 5


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