

    毕业论文关键词: 游泳产业; 白金海岸; 产业发展; 对策

    Abstract  This article in hangzhou platinum coast swimming pool, for example, by the methods of questionnaire investigation, literature, market research, data statistics research methods, such as platinum coast swimming pool development present situation investigation and analysis. Through to the gold coast community swimming participation population age and cultural level, participation motivation and facilities in the satisfaction of swimming, swimming in the crowd demand, and community social instructors take statistics of research. For swimming participation population age and cultural level, participation motivation and site facilities quality and cultural quality, social sports instructors, quantity, etc., to investigate the current situation of the development of community swimming pool to swim off the coast of hangzhou platinum research. Hangzhou area natatorium as development to provide certain theoretical basis.

     Keyword:  Swimming industry; Gold coast; The industrial development; countermeasures

    目    录

    1、引言 4

    2、研究对象与方法 5

    2.1研究对象 5

    2.2研究方法 5

    2.2.1文献资料法 5

    2.2.2问卷调查法 5

    2.2.3市场调查法 5

    2.3.4数据统计法 5

    3、结果与分析 5

    3.1杭州游泳产业发展现状 5

    3.2杭州白金海岸游泳馆发展现状 6

    3.2.1杭州白金海岸游泳馆参与人群的年龄段和文化程度 6

    3.2.2杭州白金海岸游泳馆参与人群的参与动机 7

    3.2.3杭州白金海岸游泳馆参与人群对游泳馆在场地设施和对经营方式的满意度 7

    3.2.4杭州白金海岸小区游泳参与人群的需求 8

    3.2.5杭州白金海岸游泳馆的体育社会指导员及救生员、场地工的配备情况 9

    3.3杭州白金海岸游泳馆的未来发展策略 9

    3.3.1发展小区游泳产业,提高白金海岸小区人群对游泳运动的认识 9

    3.3.2提高白金海岸游泳馆的基础设施建设、排除安全隐患 9

    3.3.3大力宣传吸引优质的游泳社会指导员参与 9

    3.3.4在白金海岸小区以活动的形式进行游泳比赛 9

    3.3.5杭州政府对于游泳馆的相应法规和管理 10

    4、小结与建议 11

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