    摘要:区域体育运动户外场地是大多数幼儿喜欢的天地,也是促进幼儿学习和发展的良好空间,良好设计的区域体育运动户外场地,可以让幼儿安全有效的进行体育锻炼,促进幼儿身心发展;在日益注重儿童教育的今天,有着深刻而积极的意义。鉴于此,本文通过文献研究法、观察法和访谈法,针对周口市A幼儿园区域体育运动户外场地的创设状况进行展开调查,主要从户外场地的结构、户外场地的使用率、户外场地的整体特点三个角度进行现状分析,并分析形成原因。在此基础上,提出种植温带落叶乔木,增设玩沙、玩水区; 激发幼儿对户外种植区的兴趣; 增设可移动的、非结构性的设施;创设“发展性”的环境的建议。40355
    A kindergarten in ZhouKou City Survey creation of regional Sport and outdoor Venues
    Abstract: For sport and outdoor venues in the region, children of different ages have different characteristics and development needs, and provide the appropriate environment in order to stimulate the self-development of young children, sporting environment really be effective means to achieving the goal of early childhood movement. Regional sport and outdoor venue is the world most kids enjoy, good space to promote children's learning and development, regional sports and outdoor venues for good design, you can enable children to learn safe and effective physical activity, promoting physical and mental development of young children; in today's increasingly focused on children's education has a profound positive significance. In view of this, through literature research method, observation and interviews, for A kindergarten in ZhouKou city regions created for investigating the State of the sport and outdoor venues, from outdoor venues in the equipment, such as objectives, planning, analysis of the three angles, and causes. On this basis, proposed focusing on kindergarten sports outdoor venue of significance to the growth of the region and improve the teaching goals; Rich nursery area sports outdoor venue to improve utilization of outdoor venues.
    Keywords: Regional sports ;outdoor venue; Create
    目  录

    摘要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、幼儿园区域体育运动户外场地的概述    2
    (一)幼儿园区域体育运动户外场地的定义和内容    2
    (二)幼儿园区域体育运动户外场地对儿童成长的意义    3
    二、周口市A幼儿园区域体育运动户外场地的创设的现状的调查    3
    (一)幼儿园户外场地的结构    3
    (二)幼儿园户外场地的使用率    4
    (三)幼儿园户外场地的整体特点    5
    三、周口市A幼儿园区域体育运动户外场地的创设中存在问题的分析    5
    (一)种植区以花盆植物替代,季节性不强,缺乏玩沙、玩水区    5
    (二)大型活动器械区使用率过高,种植区使用率太低    6
    (三)单元化、功能单一、与幼儿发展应对不足    6
    四、周口市A幼儿园区域体育运动户外场地的创设的建议    6
    (一)种植温带落叶乔木,增设玩沙、玩水区    6
    (二)激发幼儿对户外种植区的兴趣    7
    (三)增设可移动的、非结构性的设施;创设“发展性”的环境    7
    参考文献    8
    附录I    9
    附录II    10
    致谢    11
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