


    Abstract:  The eighteen report of the sports work into the cultural power constructioncontent, the party and the state attaches importance to national fitness, mass sports, mass sports and the requirements of competitive sports development.In the implementation of quality education and physical education curriculum reform today, school sports, adhere to the "health first" guiding ideology, take the student as the main body, pay attention to the healthy development of students, health is also the first element of adolescent students, school physical education is also more and more attention from all sectors of society,especially the widespread attention in the educational administrativedepartments and the vast number of teachers and students. This paper takes the high school students as the main object of study, a lot of problems arefound in the study. With the development of social economy and the increasingof only child, now the students living in the comparative advantages of thesocial, family, and school environment, many students afraid, afraid of tired,even if the sweat, high school students are learning one of the most importantlearning stage in career, students will experience the College entrance examination, the college entrance examination. Learning under a lot of pressure, test pressure, psychological pressure is very great, this also makes the school sports teaching is facing new challenges. And hope that young people are the future of our motherland, high school students as an importantpart of mass sports, this paper is to study of high school students in Huaian city as the main object of study. Participation motivation using a variety of survey method for moving high school of Huaian city in this graduate, is mainly the questionnaire, there are a lot of Huaian high school this paper investigatedseven high schools, analyze data, obtains the exercise participation motivation of high school students, and provide great help for the development of PE Teaching in Senior middle school.

    Keywords: Huaian city, Senior high school students,sports, motivation

    目  录

    1 前言5

    2 研究的对象与方法5







    3 结果与分析6





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