    毕业论文关键字:使用者;  城市体育公园;  使用规律
    Abstract: the modern urban society, high efficiency, fast rhythm, fierce competition has become the basic element of social activities, the working state of life in the city high speed makes people into extreme tension. Therefore, people need to relax the mind, need to eliminate anxiety, need to adjust the pressure of the environment. But in recent years the rise of city sports park with the perfect this unique natural ecological landscape and human motion fusion has gradually become the main place of fitness, leisure sports, is the indispensable carriers of city leisure system, it is one of the main places to ease the pressure, adjust the mood, the fitness movement, has been widely welcomed by the public.         
      This paper from the city sports park in the user obtains, is studied by using regularity of people on the sports place, analysis of the use of demographic characteristics, use, the use of time, time, and combining with the survey of various sports park site characteristics, in order to meet all kinds of people training needs, the construction for the optimization in the park strengthen the sports stadium, the park service functions, improve the quality of life of the city, provides a useful reference for the research and practice of sports landscape design and sports public service network.
    Keywords: user;  City Sports Park;  use rules
      1.1研究背景     -5
      1.2研究意义      5
      1.3研究进展     -6
      1.4  研究目标    6
      1.5  研究内容    7
      1.6  研究方法    8
    2..相关理论    9
      2.1公园体育运动的内容  9
      2.2 公园体育运动的相关环境心理学理论   -10
      3.1使用者人口统计学特点  -12
      3.2公园体育休闲场地特点   -13
      3.3使用者使用规律  -14
    4.城市公园体育场地存在的问题   -19
    5.完善城市体育公园的建议和对策     21
    6.结论   23
    7.致谢   24
    8.参考文献    25
    1.1    研究背景
  1. 上一篇:体育产业管理中存在的问题及对策研究
  2. 下一篇:淮安市体育场馆管理分析
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