
    摘要:本研究精选饮用菊品种按茶10:菊1的比例分别拼配了菊花红茶、菊花白茶、菊花滇红和菊花普洱四种菊花茶新产品。再在传统菊花茶加工工艺上进行改进,以安徽滁菊为材料,保留花瓣部分,参照红茶的加工工艺进行新工艺,根据不同萎凋,揉捻,发酵程度制作出D、AD、AB1CD、AB2CD、AB3CD这五种不同工艺型菊花茶,测得其与同批传统工艺菊花Z黄酮含量、清除DPPH自由基能力差异。并对以上新产品进行感官审评。实验结果表明:不同种类的菊花茶综合评分从大到小依次为:菊花白茶(93.22)>菊花红茶(92.28)>菊花滇红(91.50)>菊花普洱(90.42);不同工艺综合评分从大到小依次为:AD(89.67)> AB1CD (89.33)> AB2CD (86.67)>微波D1(86.00)>微波D2(85.00)>微波D3(84.67)> AB3CD (81.67);黄酮含量:Z(92.76)>AD(92.07)>D(90.24)>AB2CD(57.25)>AB1CD(57.02)>AB3CD(47.16)清除自由基能力(%):Z(65.15)>D(62.68)>AD(59.09)>AB3CD(49.37)>AB1CD(45.62)>AB2CD(45.59)。43586


    The Development of Chrysanthemum Tea 

    Abstract: In this study, the right chrysanthemums were selected to make kinds of tea wh-ich is made of chrysanthemum with black tea, white tea,Yunnan black tea and dark tea,  four kinds of chrysanthemum tea. To improve the traditional chrysanthemum tea processingtechnology, the petals of  the chrysanthemum were kept and were made by the way blacktea were made to make D、AD、AB1CD、AB2CD、AB3CD ,five kinds of new chrysanth-emum tea. The content  of flavonoids in chrysanthemum D、AD、AB1CD、AB2CD、AB3CD and chrysanthemum Z ,and DPPH free radical scavenging ability was determined. Andthe new products were sensory reviewed. The experiment results show that different types of chrysanthemum tea comprehensive score from high to low: chrysanthemum with white  tea (93.22)> chrysanthemum with black tea (92.28)> chrysanthemum with Yunnan black  tea (91.50)> chrysanthemum with dark tea (90.42). The comprehensive score of different  processes from high to low: AD (89.67)> AB1CD (89.33)> AB2CD (86.67)> microwave D1 (86.00)> microwave D2 (85.00)> microwave D3 (84.67)> AB3CD (81.67). The content of  flavonoids from high to low Z(92.76)>AD(92.07)>D(90.24)>AB2CD(57.25)>AB1CD(57.02)>AB3CD(47.16) The ability to scavenge free radicals: Z(65.15)>D(62.68)>AD(59.09)>AB3CD(49.37)>AB1CD(45.62)>AB2CD(45.59).

    Key words: new way to make chrysanthemum;flavonoids;scavenging free radicals;chrysanthemum tea;sensory evaluation

    目  录

    摘要 1

    关键词 1

    引言 2

    1材料与方法 3

    1.1实验材料 3

    1.1.1菊花茶拼配材料 3

    1.1.2菊花新型加工工艺材料 3

    1.1.3不同工艺菊花黄酮含量与清除自由基能力测定材料 3

    1.2实验试剂 3

    1.3实验仪器 4

    1.4实验方法 4

    1.4.1菊花茶拼配方法 4

    1.4.2菊花茶新型加工工艺方法 4

    1.4.3不同工艺菊花黄酮含量与清除自由基能力测定方法 5

    2结果与分析 6

    2.1拼配菊花茶品质感官审评结果 6

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