摘要:紫山药,又名紫翁药、紫怀山药,属于薯领科(Dioscoreaeeae)。营养丰富,具有很高的医疗价值。紫山药还具有抗衰老、抗氧化、提高应激力、增强免疫力、降血脂、抗肿瘤、抗突变等功效。本论文以紫山药中总皂甙提取率为考察指标,应用单因素试验对紫山药总皂甙提取的工艺条件即浸提温度、乙醇的体积分数、浸提时间、料液比进行了研究,用正交设计试验对工艺条件进行优化。再用大孔树脂对粗提物进行吸附与解析实验。总皂甙的测定方法采用分光光度法,以薯蓣皂甙为标准,进行香草醛-高氯酸显色反应,在波长544 nm处对山药总皂甙的含量进行了测定。研究结果显示紫山药总皂甙的最佳提取工艺条件是:,乙醇体积分数为55%,料液比为1:5,回流温度40℃,浸提时间1.5h 。此外,本文还采用高效液相色谱法,分析薯蓣皂甙的提取物,固定相Kromasil C18柱,流速1m L/min,选用纯甲醇为流动相。在此色谱条件下,紫山药干粉与新鲜紫山药的保留时间均为1.84min。6659
Study on Extraction and purification of the Total Saponins from Purple Yam
Abstract: Purple yam, also known as purple weng,belongs to the Dioscoreaeeae. It’s rich of nutrition and it has very high medical value. Purple yam but also has functions such as :anti-aging, anti-oxidation, improvping stress force, enhance immunity, fall hematic fat, antitumor, resistance mutation, etc.
The examining index is Based on the total saponins extraction yield in purple yam and the process conditions of the Purple yam total saponins extraction such as:leaching temperature, volume fraction of ethanol, extraction time and solid-liquid ratio were studied by using the single factor experiment.Optimize the process conditions with orthogonal design test,then adsorption and analytical experiment was carried out on the crude extract with macroporous resin.Measurement method of total saponins is using spectrophotometric method for determination.Vanillin - perchlorate chromogenic reaction was carried on the basis of yam saponins and test the content of total saponins yam at wavelength 544 nm.The results showed that the optimum condition of extraction is as following: extracting temperature 40°C ,extracting time 1.5h, ethanol concentration 55%,and the ratio of raw material and water was 1:5.
In addition,a method of the high performance liquid chromatographic determination of diosgenin was developed.The optimal HPLC conditions were as follow: Kromasil C18 column as the stationary phase, methanol as the mobile phase, 1mL/min of flow rate. Under these conndition ,the retenion time of diosgenin is 1.84min.
Key words: Purple yam ;Saponins;Extraction;Spectrometric method;;HPLC
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1紫山药简介 1
1.2紫山药国内外研究现状概述 1
1.2.1国内紫山药营养成分研究进展 1
1.2.2国外紫山药营养成分研究进展 2
1.3皂甙的研究概况 4
1.3.1皂甙在植物中的分布和含量 4
1.3.2皂甙的药理功效和生物活性 4
1.3.3皂甙的提取和纯化技术 6
1.3.4皂甙HPLC定量分析方法 6
1.4研究的目的和意义 6
2 材料和方法 8
2.1材料 8
2.1.1实验原料 8
2.1.2实验试剂 8
2.1.3实验设备 8
2.2实验方法 9
2.2.1试剂的配置 9
2.2.2标准曲线的绘制 9
2.2.3紫山药的干燥工艺 11
2.2.4乙醇提取皂甙工艺 11
- 上一篇:牛奶香香韵在香精中的应用研究
- 下一篇:烤鸭中水溶性提取物对细胞的抗氧化作用研究