    Study on quality stability of fermented glutinous rice and its standardization process design
    Abstract:In this paper, a fermented glutinous rice milk processing line with a daily production of 5 ton is designed. We hope create a modern fermented glutinous rice milk production line through improved process design, equipment selection, and shop layout. Main designs were involved in production scheme, process flow, material balance, equipment selection, factory graphic design and production cost accounting. Based on the investigation of the main domestic research on the fermented glutinous rice milk, the production technology and filling method of fermented glutinous rice milk were determined.The design characteristics of the fermented glutinous milk curd weak, curd for a long time, easy to precipitate whey, not storage, design a reasonable and effective production, to ensure that sufficient reserves of raw materials, coordination busy uneven distribution of, to ensure full years of normal production. At the same time, according to the process requirements put forward a reasonable workshop layout and plant layout planning. The design aims to achieve the standardization of fermented glutinous milk technology, so that the modernization of traditional industries.
    Key words: Fermented glutinous rice milk; Production technology; Equipment selection; Design of layout

    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract.    1
    Key words    1
    引言    1
    1  设计范围及依据    2
    1.1 设计目标及内容    2
    1.2 设计依据    2
    1.2.1 产品品种    2
    1.2.2 生产能力    2
    1.2.3 生产方案    2
    1.2.4 法规规范    2
    2  总平面设计    2
    2.1 厂址选择    2
    2.1.1  选址要求    2
    2.2  厂区总平面图    3
    2.3 厂区总平面图说明    3
    2.3.1 总平面设计技术经济指标分析    3
    2.3.2 布局说明    3
    3  工艺流程设计    4
    3.1 工艺流程    4
    3.2 工艺论证    4
    3.2.1 选料    4
    3.2.2 洗米    4
    3.2.3 浸米    4
    3.2.4 蒸煮    5
    3.2.5 冷却    5
    3.2.6 加曲接种    5
    3.2.7 发酵    5
    3.2.8 压榨    5
    3.2.9 冷藏    6
    3.2.10 原料乳的验收    6
    3.2.11 原料乳的预处理    6
    3.2.12 预热均质    6
    3.2.13 杀菌    6
    3.2.14 加凝乳剂    6
    3.2.15 灌装    6
    3.2.16 凝乳    6
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